Chapter 6

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Hey guys, sorry. That took a very long time to write for some reason.

If I get enough likes/votes or whatsemcalleds I'll write chapter 7(:

Well, here it is now! I am quite surprised with some of my language in this chapter!! Whoaa!! Hahahhah, enjoy, guys(:

"Shit," I said out loud. Carly looked at me and laughed.

"What's wrong, Lexie?" Carly asks, still smiling.

"Emm... Megan? What time do we plan on getting home?" I ask.

"I dunno... probably around midnight, maybe later. Why? You getting bored already?" she asks.

"No, I just... well... nevermind. Sorry I interupted." I say shaking my head.

"Okay..." Megan says, looking confused. But soon she's back to her normal self: bubbly and ignorant, smiling and laughing with the other girls. Our food finally comes and I'm glad because now there's more to do than to just sip my wine awkwardly.

"Mm." Amy says after her first bite. "This is good."

"What is it?" Megan asks, her fork piercing a noodle covered in fetticini sauce.

"I'm not sure, I told them to surprise me." Amy shrugs.

"I think we got the same thing..." I say to Amy.

"What'd you get?" she asks, nodding to my plate.

"I told them to surprise me as well. Maybe their surprises are all the same." I say witha shrug.

"Well it's good, isn't it?" Amy says.

"Really good," I say after taking a bite. It really is rather fantastic.

After we've all finished, we tell Greg to surprise us with dessert.

"First, I'll need to know what you guys are celebrating tonight." Greg says.

"It's her bachleorette party!" Megan says, pointing to me. I smile and give a small wave.

"Well, congratulations. We'll whip something special up for you tonight," he says.

"Thank you," I say kindly. Within five minutes, Greg has returned, carrying a large chocolate cake, which has to be at least three layers.

"Wow," Megan says, stars in her eyes.

"What is it?" I say mesmerisedly.

"'Triple Chocolate Strata', it's a very good dessert for those who enjoy chocolate. I hope none of you are allergic?" he says.

"Oh, no, we're all fine, thank you, Greg," I say politely. Greg nods and walks back to the kitchen.

The cake is already cut, and we're trying to decide to take the pieces off the platter when Greg walks by again. Max stops him and asks if we could have a serving knife.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" he says sincerely. He hurries back to the kitchen and within seconds has returned with one. "Here, allow me," he says. He places each slice of cake on each of our plates. We all thank him, to which he apologizes again, and then he's off.

"This looks amazing," Amy says, sticking her fork into the cake. We all take a bite at the same time and the reaction is immediate.

"Oh!" Megan says in unison with Carly.

"Mmm..." Amy says, her eyes closed softly.

"Holy crap, this is delicious," I say with a laugh.

"You've got that right, Lexie," Max says, touching my arm.

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