Master Chief

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I shot the best I could with the DMR in my hands, trying to distract the group of Brutes in front of me so Master Chief could take them down. He probably didn't need my help- wait, scratch that, he didn't. He was the Master Chief, he doesn't need anyone's help. If you asked anyone that knew John they'd tell you just how awesome he is, and I know of no one besides the covenant that hate him.

A sniper shot at where I crouched and I quickly moved behind a rock to stop it from hitting me. I reloaded and poked the weapon over the side of the rock and aimed for where the Jackal sat, its purple light showing where to point the DMR. After letting out a burst of rounds it dropped dead so I stood back up.

I looked back down at the herd of Brutes to see them all with their faces in the dirt. Master Chief stood above them, putting his assault rifle back on his back. He nodded at me and I stepped away from the rock, pointing my DMR at the ground.

I walked over to him, and once I was near, I looked at all the Brutes. A couple spike grenades lay scattered around so I grabbed a couple to bring with me. None of their weapons I wanted so I let them stay there. Once he knew I was ready, John turned to continue in the direction we were headed.

I was an ODST once in a squad, which besides me had all been killed trying to help the Master Chief. I was going to help him as long as I could as well, but like any of us, I didn't want to meet my demise. Chief was heading over to take care of a large covenant gun that was shooting down UNSC ships and us ODSTs' goal was to help him get there. The Pelican we rode in couldn't get too close without being shot down so it dropped all of us off some ways back. From there we were on foot.

Once we reached the large gun I sighed. It was huge and there was lots of covenant surrounding it. John was already heading towards the gun, pulling a frag grenade out and pulling the pin. He threw it towards a group of Grunts and they didn't notice it in time before it blew. He ran towards the covenant and I took out a spike grenade, looking for a Brute to stick.

When all the covenant were taken care of Chief held out a hand. "Spike grenade, please." I handed it to him, the last one I had, and he took it. When the gun overheated and the bottom opened to cool some, he threw it up into the gun. It exploded but didn't destroy the gun, making me frown. "Find another grenade." I ran around to check the covenant's dead bodies, mostly the Grunts because they usually carry plasma grenades.

"Here, Chief." I picked up a plasma grenade and tossed it to him and he threw it up into the gun. It succeeded in obliterating the UNSC ship destroyer. "Good job." I gave him a thumbs up, smiling, and he looked at me. I couldn't tell what his expression was because he had his helmet on, but that allowed me to think he was smiling even if he wasn't.

"Come on (Y/N)." He waved me over as he started walking away. I followed him, surprised.

"You know my name?"


"I don't think I told you it..." I looked at him carefully. He didn't look at me and I started smiling. I'd helped him on a couple missions, even found myself attracted to him a couple times during those moments, but I never told him my name.

"One of the ODST's said it." He finally said.

"Oh." That sounded likely. "How did you know I was the only ODST left?" He shrugged.

"I took a guess."

"Did you really?" I was becoming even more suspicious at his not-real-answers answers.

"Get down." John grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a rock with him, and once I was completely behind it, he let go of my arm and spun out from behind the rock. He shot whatever it was then turned back to me.

"Well thank you." I made my visor turn transparent and smiled at him. He didn't move for another few seconds then nodded and continued on. "You're strong, right?" I followed after him. I knew the answer, obviously, because he had to be.


"Could I have a piggy-back ride?" He stopped walking. It was an odd request, one that no ODST would ever make, but I wanted to give it a shot. He didn't reply, just stood there for a while. Eventually I sighed. "You can say no." But then he crouched and waited for me to hop on. I grinned, sticking my DMR to my back and hopping on.

He handed me his assault rifle and I held onto it with one hand as his hands went to my legs. The armor we were both wearing made for an interesting combination, as certain parts of my armor pressed into him and myself. The ridges of the armor also helped to hold me up, as they wouldn't allow me to slip off.

"Tell me if you see covenant." Master Chief told me.

"Will do." I was still smiling, but the smile had gotten bigger in the last 10 seconds. I was honestly trying to stop myself from giggling as Chief walked. It was a shot in the dark to ask but his 'Yes' answer made this situation the best it could be. Maybe it was because I felt like nothing could make this situation bad that I spoke again. "I wonder what a relationship with a super soldier would be like." Chief didn't say anything so I continued. "Like you for example. Would you ever want to have someone special in your life?"

"Like you?" He turned his head slightly as if to look back at me.

"Yeah, a romantic relationship with me."

"Sure." My grin couldn't widen any more without splitting my lips so I opted to hug him as best I could. He stumbled, having temporarily lost his footing, and his helmet tilted down. I wondered if he was blushing.

"Love you John." I placed my head on his shoulder. He said nothing back, but he was too embarrassed at the moment to do anything of the sort.

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