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A/N: You're a guy in this one.

I had been split from my team of ODST troopers and now sat in the Superintendent's data core. I wasn't sure what to do now that I was here so I sat there. Taking this time to think, I leaned against a wall and thought about what Dare would want me to do. She was our 'leader', in a way, and all the other guys liked her. I wasn't sure about Rookie but he never said anything.  

 I knew her before she became out leader but extremely well. I'd been teamed up with her a couple times, and I liked her too, to be honest. But it was obvious if she were to go for any of us it would be Buck. It was like there was something already between them, or was some time ago that was being rekindled. I didn't like it, but what could I do? Dare should have the right to choose her man.

Hearing the doors open to the core, I grabbed my SMG and pointed it at the intruder. A covenant Engineer floated in but stopped when it saw me. I watched it carefully, not wanting to be the first to shoot because I didn't know much about it. We both sat there for about a minute, neither moving or engaging. 

Eventually I sighed and lowered my SMG. It seemed to relax after that and started floating farther in. I didn't move my gun but I watched it carefully.

"What are you doing?" I asked it, not really expecting a real answer I would understand. It put a tentacle on the computer and made an odd noise. I attached my SMG to my leg and walked closer. I always had a couple plasma grenades that would stick nicely to its bubbly skin.

It tried to show me its body, looking awkward as it attempted to keep looking at the computer while having its body in my face. I raised an eyebrow, having taken off my helmet a little bit ago, so it could see my reaction. Its armor moved around in different ways, like part of its body was moving one way and another part a different direction.

One of its tentacles grabbed a piece of its armor and tried to tug it off. I watched in confusion as it eventually pried it off and let it fall to the ground.

"What are you doing?" It wrapped a tentacle around my hand and brought it to its armor. "Do you want me to take it off?" It made a gurgly noise. "Alright, I'll do it." I pulled, half expecting it to cry out in pain or something and try to get away. When it didn't, I yanked the plate of armor off. 

It turned so I could grab another plate and I did, discarding it like I did the first one. This continued until the armor was completely gone and it was just a blob of something in front of me. I smiled lightly and stepped back. It chirped and disappeared from my view. 

Despite my apparent ok-ness about it being in here, I had no clue what it was going to do. It could be damaging the system for all I knew and I was sitting here, doing nothing about it. But then why would it want me to remove its armor? I'd be able to kill it easier this way, and it was smart enough to know it would want all the armor it could get. Maybe its plan was to make me think it was doing nothing when it actually destroyed the data core.

I sighed. I would never know, would I? Not until it was too late anyway. Huffing, I grabbed my helmet off the floor and walked farther into the core. I found the covenant with a tentacle against the computer again, humming. If only I knew what it was doing.

The doors opening once again made my head snap in that direction. I ran towards the doors, gun off my leg and in my hands ready to fire. I skidded to a halt at the entrance to see Dare and Rookie standing there. They noticed me immediately and sighed, happy it was me and not a covenant.

"Did an Engineer come in here?" Dare asked, her helmet off, where it was I didn't know.

"Yeah, its in the back." I nodded.

"Great." She brushed past me and headed in the direction I came. Rookie stood there silently, looking around in amazement. I smiled and took off after Dare.

"You could've asked, I would've taken you to it." I commented as she searched for the Engineer.

"Well in that case," she spun to look at me. "Could you take me to it?"

"I could, but what's in it for me?" 

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "You're the same man I remember."

"Oh so you do remember me?" I took a step closer, watching her smile.

"How could I forget, you were the one who nearly got us killed." She put her hands on her hips.

"Yes, but I was also the one who saved your behind." I folded my arms.

"I guess there's that too." She mused.

 I brought the conversation back on track. "Now, if I take you to the Engineer, what do I get?"

"A thank you."

"Besides that?" I knew I was being a bit pushy, but I was trying to get a kiss out of her.

"Nothing." Her eyes had found something interesting on the ceiling to look at and I followed her gaze to see the Engineer there.

"Dang it." My one chance to get something I never otherwise would out of Dare and this covenant blob had ruined it.

"(Y/N)," I looked back up at her. "If you wanted a kiss you should've just asked, I would've given you one." Oh really?

"Really?" I stepped closer. She nodded, her eyes sparkling. "But what if I didn't ask?" I slowly wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "You should know I don't ask before I do things."

"Well why don't we find out?" Her voice was barely more then a whisper, but I heard it clearly and smirked. I pinned her to the wall and brought my lips to hers, feeling her kiss back immediately. I used one hand to pin her hands above her while the other ran down her face. Her eyes had closed in bliss and I smirked against her lips.

"DARE?!" A voice shouted, making me pull away. She panted slightly as I sighed, knowing whose voice that was: Buck.

"That party-pooper." I grumbled, releasing Dare. She slowly walked forward, taking a second to gain her bearings before smiling at me.

"Come on, we better not leave him waiting." She gently coaxed the Engineer to come with us as I sighed, running a finger over my lips. I don't think she'd protest to doing that again, just maybe not in a Superintendent's data core next time. I smirked at the idea and put my helmet back on.

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