Chapter 16: Waiting isn't my strong point

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Heey guys how are you today? I am great, it is currently 1:07am in the morning here, I am not tired I just feel like writing, anyone else get that feeling???

so anywaay about the injection of wolfsbane Kara got, it will react differently to her body, being a wolf and all you know? It will shut down the system if enough is injected, ther is no possible way to know if anything can be done, so it is a possibility that Kara might go home.




Adrian's POV

I shoved open the door, seeing Kara's lifeless body laying on a built in hospital bed, they had her hooked up to a life support machine, I practically ran to her side and grabbed her hand, hoping that touch would give her  comfort, I kissed it gently, "Kara? come on, come back to us, to me, and we will I dont know, we will go to another water park, anything you want for the rest of your life," I begged her, with no avail.

Her eyes stayed tightly closed, I squeezed mine shut and turned to the docter who was watching me, a hand on my sholder, "How bad is it Doc?"

He sighed, "well when they injected her with the wolfsbane, it was enough to shut down some organs, enough, I guess you could say pain, but the aim wan't to shut down organs, it was basically a mix of wolsbane and the drug they used to keep Sam in the coma, it is impossible to know when or if she wake up, I am sorry Alpha, but the wolfsbane could not also make the coma extremely painful.." I lowered my lips to her hand, not moving, tears slowly slipping down my cheeks.

"What do you mean Doc?"

"Okay I'll explain it like this, Do you know in the the book Breaking dawn, from twilight?" he chucked grimly, I nodded, "Well the part where the girl is changing and all she can feel is fire, burning her alive, that is what it maky be like inside Kara's head right now." I gasped

I ingnored everyone that tried to talk to meafter that, until her family arrived two days later, they had beeon on a pack trip, I hd sent them to go on, Sam came in first, his eyes pitched black, his emotions were coming through strng, anger, grief, loss, he was feeling everything Kara had felt when she had thought he was dead, he gripped her sholderslightly, "Kara, little sis? you gotta wake up, okay? your being lazy Get UP! please," he shook her lightly, but her body stayed still, unmoving.

Tears filled Sam's eyes and he buried his face in Kara's neck, sobbing lightly, her mum was the same, she layed her head gently on Kara's stomach, soothing her. Her dad, stood by, unmoving, frozen in his form, until he finally moved, his steps slow, as if he thought he was dreaming.

He stopped infront of the bed an grpped her other hand, 'My baby girl, what have they done to you?" I sob left his throat, his mate through her arms around him, crying openly, beggoing for there daughter to come back to them, a sob left my throat as I stared at her, before I knew what was happening I was pulled into there family hug, arms wrapped tightly around me, "I'm srry, I should have taken better care of her, she was in the woods with Da--" I froze and growled, stalking out of the room, I culd here them following me, I followed his scent to the bck year, a couple loose tears slipt down his face, His girlfriend, comfoting him.

"You mutt, this is all your fault, if you hadn't taken my mate out this wouldn;t be happening right now, this is on you!" I hissed at him menacingly

"Dont you even call her your mate, she is mine!" I heard an intke of breath from Anna and Kara's parent, but I didn'tcare, at that moment I was so enraged that I launched my fist at his jaw, hearing a sattifying groan leave his lips, a bruise already forming as he snapped back, punching me in the nose, we fought and I had him on his back, punching him repeatedly,Anna screaming for me to stop, beofre I could fight back, someonee grabbed a hold of me a howled me of Damon's bloody form, I snarled at the interruption, " Adrian, calm down man, this isn't helping Kara, plus your little sister just ran outside, she is sad man, go comfort her," he spoke calmly, an alpha tone used.

I nodded and turned to see little rosie, her arms clasped up, indication she wanted me to pick her up, as I did, she buried her face into the crook of my neck and I heard little hiccups, I rubbed her back gently, soothing her, "Addy? Can I pleaase go see Princess Kara?" she hiccubed lokking me in the eyes.

Isighed walking in the direction of her room, forgetting about Damon and everything but Kara and Rosie, I placed her on the hospital bed with Kara, and watched as she leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Kara? Please wake up for me, and Addy and mummy, and your mummy and Daddy and Sammy, they were all sad, but dont worry I gave Sam, hugs and a kiss on the cheek and your mummy and daddy too, they cried when I did though, they sad, so wake up please Kara?"her little hands ran up to stroke Kara's hair, sobbing her little heart out, she buriedher head in Kara's chest wrapping her arms around kara's neck, I genty rubbed her back, hping to calm her, she cried out in lots of pain, her new friend was sick.

I almost crieed myself,if I hadn't seen Kara's eye twitch before she started choking on the life support, Rosie screamed, trying to help her, failing at giving her CPE with her little hands, "DOC!" I scremed at the top of my lungs, Everyone rushed in, watching as the docter pulled out the life support, allowing her to breath by herself, she stayed unconcious but she could breath on her own, that i all I needed.

Roosie sat on her bed again, "Kara!, Open your eyes." she ordered happily, everyone stared intently watching if Kara would respond, out of the corner of my eyes I saw Damon in the room, I ignored him and went back t Kara, Rose was staring at her intently, slowly, I saw Kara's eye lids flutter before torturingly pulling them open, "Ouch." she gasped her voice husky from pain, a couple people chuckled.

"A..Adr...Adrian." she gasped out, I wa bye her side in a second, worried about her state, she looked weak and sore, "What is it Pumkin?" I asked worried she wasn;t okay, I would do anything in my power to make her better.

but even then, the one word she gasped out froze my body, soul and brain, I never would have expected it, but it wasn't entirly unpredictable, but it still shook me to the core.

"Lorina!" before she past out once more.


OOOOH hope you like it, BTW Lorina= ADRIAN'S MATE>:)

What will hppen''



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