Chapter 5:Demands.

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Heey guys, this chapter is in Damons POV....

I guess It's the hard one cause I've never been inside a guys mind...oh well

Hope you enjoy it:)

Kyarnii:) xoxo

 PIC OF ANNA ------------------->


Chapter 5: demands.

Damons POV

I sat there, staring at the t.v, not really watching it, just lost in my own thoughts.

you caused her that pain, my mate! My wolf growled at me.

I know! I growled back,

Images came to my mind of Kara lying on the forest floor, curled up in pain, screaming, begging at everyone to make the hurt stop. I caused that pain. Me.

I felt awful. The image of her screming, imprinted it's self into my mind. I closed my eyes.

She is all I have thought about, I cant believe I rejected her

you didnt formally reject her, you could still have her.

I couldn't Love her. I didn't love her.

I loved Anna. Only Anna

As if she heard my thoughts, Anna walked in, She was so beautiful. I loved her so much, I didnt deserve her.

you do desrve her. you dont deserve my beautiful mate! My wolf snarled, I was starting to get angry, but Anna sat on my lap and snuggled her face into my neck.

My wolf snorted.

"Hey baby," she said softly,"I have to talk to you about something important to me."

"okay anna, I'm listening," I said and looked her in the eye.

"Please just remember that If I didn't think I wouldn't lose you, I would'nt make you do this." she paused. " I know that Kara is your mate." She said simply.

"I...I...anna..."I stuttered

"No, It's okay, I've known for a while now. I Wasn't cetain at first, but by the way you kept avoiding her last year and at the bon fires when she would sit away from everyone and just stare at you or just be depressed, I just knew." she said, slowly.

" have to know that I told her when she realised that she was wrong, that we weren't mates, that I loved you and only you baby." I told her.

" I know that Damon but she is still here and she isn't going away. and like I said, I wouldnt ask you to do this if I didn't think you were going to leave me...I know the bond between mates, its hard to stay away." She tells me sadly.

I froze.

My wolf was growling softly.

" what do you want me to do?" I said slowly, barely breathing.

She took a slow breath.

Staring me in the eyes intently, she answered slowly.

" I want you to formally reject Kara as your mate."



haha, hope you liked this chapter:)

It's short I know but it was preety hard to write as a guy.

please dont forget to COMMENT AND VOTE, FAN:))

Kyarnii:)) xoxo

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