Chapter Three

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I kinda like this place, it's a different atmosphere than I'm used to. Less threatning, conforting, I guess. Laughter erupts from all sides of the hallway. As you walk, you hear several converstaions at once. Yes, some of them make you want to kill yourself, but some of them are generally entertaining. As odd as it might sound, I like listening to all of these conversations. I've caught myself once or twice just staning there listening to particular conversations. Which, probably adds to the whole odd factor.

I walk into my Spanish 4 class for the second time this week. Yesterday the teacher was absent so we literally did nothing. I sit down where I did yesterday and the bubbly lady walks over to me.

"Why hello!" She beams.

"Hola, señora" I chuckle

"Ah, por lo que es fluido en español, ya veo." (Ah, so you're fluent in Spanish, I see.) She smiles back at me. I take this as a challenge.

"¿Por qué sí, sí lo soy. He sido durante bastante tiempo. También estoy bastante fluido en francés, árabe y .. así, el nombre de un idioma, y apuesto a que lo sé." (Why yes, yes I am. I have been for quite a while. I'm also pretty fluent in French, Arabic, and.. well, Name a language, and I bet I know it.) She looks back at me and her eyes grow wide, I think I lost her.

"Wow." She replies. I look around me and see all eyes of the classroom on me. I automatically feel awkward,. "Maybe you can help me teach then." She jokes.


After the bell rings, I rush out of the Spanish room. A little too quickly, may I add. I end up tripping over someone and fly into an innocent student turing the corner.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry." I nearly yell. Why do I care? I'm-I'm a demon... I don't have actual emotions, do I?

So, here I am. Laying on the ground, while the person I basically attacked is laying next to me. Where are my manners? I start to get up and notice more charactaristics of this lovely young man. Tall, slender, dark hair almost down to his shoulders. Thick eyebrows, and deep blue eyes. He see's me staring and I immediately look away and stand to my feet holding a hand out for him. He looks up and gives me a smile.

"Hey, Um. Are you okay?" He asks me. I shake my head yes as I pull him from the ground.

"Yeah, why?" I question.

"Umm, well, you're kinda crying." He chuckles. I bring my hand up to my face and whipe my cheek, I was crying. I'm not too good at these human emotions yet, maybe I just really hurt my host. I stand and release some breaths.

"Oh, its fine. It's just- uh- my- uh- ankle. I twisted it during our collison." I lied. He smiles and thrusts his hand out to me.

"I'm Tristian. You're new right?" He asks.

"Yes sir, I am." I grab his hand and shake "I'm Lilit- uh Lili." I correct.

"You don't seem so sure" he jokes.

"You got me, my actual name is Lilith." Wait, why did I just say that?

"Wait, like the demon, Lilith." He questions. Shit. Now I have to lie.

"Uh yeah, my dad has an odd sense of humor." I fake a giggle. "He's a dick."

"That is really fucking sweet, I'm not going to lie." He smiles. "How long have you been here?" He asks as politely as can be.

"I literally just got here yesterday." I chuckle.

"Oh, okay good. I thought maybe you were here all year and I was just to much of an oblivious buttface to even notice you." He gives a sly grin. "I don't mean to sound like an idiot.. but, do you have a phone?" He asks sceptically.

"Eh, you could never be as much as an asshole as the Chemistry teacher" Wait, why did I just say that? It wasn't even remotely funny. "Er, yeah. Sorry. I do have a phone." I giggle.

"Oh, uhh, cool." He looks down to his feet, his face growing red.

"Do you have a phone?" I smile.

"Why of corse." He smiles back. I grab my phone out of my back pocket and thrust it towards him while he does the same with his phone. I'm secretely hoping he doesn't take notice to the lack of contacts I have. I have one, Lamia.

We hand eachother back our phone and smile at eachother once again.

"Well, I'm going to go. I have this afterschool art thing... and yeah." He turns red again.

"Okay" I reply "See you tomorrow?" I smile.

"I sure hope so." He laughs, gives me a warm hug, and turns down the hallway.

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