Chapter Three.

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  • Dedicated to Grandpa Reimer, and Grandpa Braun (L) RIP

Chapter three is now up! Vote and comment please!

Thank you all soo much!

This is dedicated to both my grandpas. One died two nights ago, and my other one is in the hospital, and having his leg possibly amputated. It's been really hard for my family lately :/ I love both of you soo much! Even though I haven't seen you guys in three years </3 God is lucky to have someone like you up there with him (LL) March 18, 2012. Get better soon, grandpa. You're the only grandpa I have left, but you have diabetes, but I know you can make it for a while longer. I love you both and miss you both so incredibly much. <3 xo.

I love you fans too (L) You'll always have a huge chunk of my heart xox

Please vote and comment, but not for me, in support for my family (L) We really need encouragement and hope.

~Sara <3 xox (L)

Enjoy my lovelies. (L)




"You've been here for an hour and you've already annoyed the hell out of me, so I won't be able to spend a day with you! I'd murder someone!" I yelled.

"One, murder is illegal, two, you've survived three years with me, I think you could last another day."

"I had a seven year break," I told him.

"How about a coffee break?"

"This is not going to work."

"Oh, you don't like coffee?" Scott frowned.

"I really need to start my article."

I went to our website and logged in. I clicked on 'New Article' and opened my binder to find some brainstormed things. I skimmed through it and found nothing interresting or I've already written about it.

"Could you edit my article?" Scott questioned.

"Editors are done the hall," I responded but kept looking down at my binder.

"But I want you to read it."

"I don't have time," I hissed.

"Fine." Scott left the room, thankfully.

What do I write about? I'm stomped.

What's amusing? How 'bout I read over my other articles and maybe I'll get an idea.

Nothing. Shit!

Maybe I should ask Mr. Tompson if I could get another day or two? No, he wouldn't because it's going to be published at the end of the day tomorrow.

"Need help?" Scott asked.


"I'm just trying to be nice, but you're being rude to me."

"Oh cry me a river!"

"Example one."

"Sorry I'm just really stressed and don't want to talk to anyone!" I shouted, clearly annoyed.

"How about you write how to get un-stressed, if that's a word," Scott suggested.

"Oh, my God! That isn't half bad! But one problem, how would I do it if I'm full of stress?" I yelled.

"I don't know, but I'm helpful."

"When you're not annoying," I said. He started smiling weirdly at me. "What?"

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