Chapter 5

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Yes! I know! I haven't pasted a new chapter for months! I'm really sorry! But I was really busy and yes, thats a reason not an excuse.. ^^ Anyway, read, comment and VOTE! Thanks, people!


Disclaimer: This will be written in mainly Lance's point of view.

He was pissed. Lance still could not find the girl at the Willow's residence. He knew she had seen his face whereas she had hers covered by her scarf. Plus, she was good. Not leaving any evidence of her break in the other night so he could not get a single clue to her identity. The only thing Lance knew was that she had some good tricks up her sleeve. Her kick to the side of his head had hurt a lot. It was still throbbing when he watched her speeding off in the night on her sleek motorbike. Whoever she wass, she was definitely a turn-on.

Lance was thinking about the thief when someone bumped into him really hard.

"Sorry! I didn't see where I was heading_"

Being already agitated, Lance snapped, "Sorry doesn't even cover it." As he looked from his sneakers to a pair of stunning dark eyes framed with thick lashes as it stared back into his with shock and rage. Crap.

"Then what do you want me to say? Watch your step?! Get the h*ll outta my face?! " She spat as his eyes widened in surprise. "At least I was polite enough to apologise instead of just being outright rude to someone who was trying to be polite! And yes! I meant you! I just bumped into you and you snapped at me? That is like SO not cool!"

She was panting when she was done and he couldn't help but notice that she looked hot when she was pissed. To start with, Lance had already thought she looked really pretty when he first saw her at class a few days ago but now, as he stared at her up close, he knew she was perhaps the most beautiful girl he has ever laid eyes on. Her thick black hair tumbling down her shoulders in delicate curls. Her dark, mysterious eyes looked as though they were there to drown anyone who stared at them for too long and she has a killer body that rocked the simple white tank top she was wearing paired with a pair of skinny jeans.

He was about to apologise when she stormed away. Lance hurried after her without hesitation but before he could catch up with her, she slid into class and sat down at a desk with no vacant desk around her. Feeling really bad, he tried catching her eye but she merely ignored him. Feeling worse, Lance slid into an empty desk at the back of class.

"Woah, dude. What you did back there was seriously not cool," muttered Frank when he sat down.

"I know." Lance murmured back already deep in remorse for his uncalled actions back at the locker.

The rest of the day went by quickly and every time he tried catching her eye, Jade was determined to ignore him. When the bell rang indicating it was recess, Jade jumped out of her seat so quickly he just had time to grab his books before chasing after her. He was already out the door and gaining on her when his path was suddenly blocked by Brett, the cocky rich kid.

Agitated that he had just lost the chance of catching up with Jade, Lance glanced at Brett with disdain. "Yes?"

"I'm having a little party later so you wanna come?" he asked, smiling his ever cocky smile.

Brett was annoying him and he laughed inwardly; Brett has no clue that he was dealing with someone who could off him then and there in one quick motion.

Thinking it would help with his social status, "Sure."

As soon as Brett left Lance alone, Jade was nowhere to be seen. Crap. He then headed towards the gym hoping to draw as little attention as possible. Once there, he whipped his cell phone out and speed-dialled. "Any luck, Chase?"

"Sorry little bro, based on the shot you've sent to me, I could not identify the number plate of her bike since she was at the curb."

"Okay, thanks for trying."

"No probs. Catch you later, little bro," Chase chuckled.

Lance scowled, ignoring the fact that Chase's chuckle sounded a bit forced. He was still going with the 'little bro'. He was already 16 for crying out loud. What difference does being a few years older than he was  made? Still scowling, Lance made his way back to his locker. Once again, Lance kept a look out for Jade but she was nowhere to be seen. Knowing that he did not have a single class with her for the rest of the day, he decided to catch her after school.

When school ended, Lance rushed out of class but still could not catch sight of her. Feeling dejected, he got into his BMW Z4 and went back to get ready for Brett's party. So much for wanting to sincerely apologise. He was ready at around 5 and left for Brett's. In the car, his thoughts kept wandering to Jade and the mysterious thief. Jade was beautiful. The thief, mysterious. They both intrigued him like no one has ever before. He sighed as he turned the engine off. But he did not get down.

Will I get to see that mysterious thief again?

Will Jade forgive me, since she was known to hold a grudge?

He sighed one more time and open the door only to be greeted by a warm tingle from the almost setting sun.

He entered the building and headed over to the lift which brought him to Brett's floor and doorway. He looked around. He was definitely in the wrong place. Brett did say that it was a party so where is the music or the noise? Lance debated with himself for a while and decided that he got the wrong door. Just as he was about to walk away, the door opened. Lance turned around to see Brett leaning against the doorway, "Leaving so soon?"

Oh, it was the right door after all. "Nope, its just that I wasn't too sure if it was your house since there weren't any noise nor music when this was supposed to be a party," Lance replied coolly.

"It was supposed to be a small gathering," Brett replied equally cool. "Step on in."

He did and boy, was his pent-house pretty cool. Simple and definitely screaming 'high-tech' and 'money', Lance glanced around appreciatively, he would not mind living in a place like this. As he took his surroundings in, he noticed that there was no one in sight. "Where's everyone?"

"Upstairs. Come on up."

Lance followed him up to what is most probably his room and entered after him. There was no one around so without a second's thought, he tried hurrying out of the room but Brett blocked his way.

"What do you want?" Lance asked trying to keep his cool. Worse comes to worse, he'll probably be dead if he tried anything funny. He thought, sizing Brett up.

"Just you to hear me out." Brett replied, taking a mini-sized remote out from his pocket.

In a while, Lance saw his life data flashing before his eyes. The photos taken when he was a toddler to his grown up self now. Then came mortifying images of his parents lifeless bodies after the drug lords murdered them heartlessly. His data ranged from his school grades to his list of ex-girlfriends. Lance was shell-shocked. Brett had everything and he was far from being curious as to why Brett had all his data. He was panicking. Does he know who I really am? Without a seconds thought, he wrenched the door wide open and rushed down the stairs. Who the h*ll is that guy? He was supposed to be some high school jerk to help with my social status! Soon, Lance wrenched the front door open trying to put as much distance between him and Brett as possible. Stalker or whatever he was, he did not want to deal with him. As Lance was about to exit the house, he came face-to-face with a startled looking Jade. Her hair sleek and shiny, her mouth went into an 'o' shape and her gorgeous eyes wide open.

"Without thinking much, Lance blurted, "Jade! Don't go in there! That_ Brett inside is a maniac! A stalker!"

And guess what?

She burst out laughing.

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