The meet

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It's been a long time since we woke up in that forest. We were in our forest taking care of animals, plants, trees, and the river. Today was  Easter, so we hurried to finish our work early. We loved to watch the children hunt eggs. Of course we stayed out of sight not knowing if we could be seen or not. We headed to our tree that could see over the field were the kids loved to hunt the eggs. Nox climbed the tree first. Before I could follow something rammed into me. I looked up to see a large bunny. The Easter Bunny.

Bunny- sorry Sheila.

He got up and held out his paw. I took it and he pulled me up.

Me- you're the Easter Bunny.

Bunny- yep. The names E. Aster Bunnymund.

Me- I'm Laila, Mother Nature.

Bunny- nice to meet you Laila.

Nox- Laila? You coming?

Me- Nox come back down for a minute.

nox- why? the kids will be here any minute.

Me- do you want to meet the Easter bunny or not?

Nox dropped out of the tree.

Nox- did you say the Easter Bunny?

Me- yea this is E. Aster Bunnymund the Easter bunny.

Nox- that's crazy. I thought we'd never get to meet the big shots.

Bunny- after Easter I can take you to meet the rest of us 'big shots'.

Me- that'd be great.

Nox- yea. I want to meet Santa.

Bunny- meet me here tomorrow and I'll take you to the North Pole.

He jumped away and we climbed the tree. The kids were just arriving. We watched as every last child hunted eggs. Then we went home. Home was just a tree. A tree that we first stood under together after that night. Neither one was us could remember what happened before then. The next day we meet bunny under the tree. He took us to the North Pole.

North- ah bunny. Who do we have here?

Bunny- north this is Laila and Nox. Otherwise known as Mother Nature and Mother Earth.

Me- nice to meet you.

Nox- santa is Russian?! Wow. That's even cooler.

North smiled at Nox.

Bunny- alright next is the tooth fairy.

He took us to her castle.

Bunny- tooth!!

Tooth- Bunny?!

Bunny- tooth meet Laila and Nox. Mother Nature and Mother Earth.

Tooth- nice to meet you. At least I know now that their are more girls then just me.

Me- nice to meet you to.

Tooth seemed really busy calling out street names for her little fairies. So we left. Bunny took us to his warren to wait until nightfall to meet the other one. We sat around and talked. He showed us how he does things and how he gets ready for Easter. It was really cool. by now it was dark and we left the warren and went to a small town where there was yellow sand everywhere. 

me- what is this?

bunny- those are dreams. sandy makes them. 

nox- sandy?

bunny- yea, the sand man. 

we stopped when we saw him. he was flouting on a sand cloud. he seemed to really enjoy what he was doing. 

bunny- hey sandy. come meet the new spirits. 

sandy flouted down to us and started to make signs over his head with sandy. Nox and i just looked at each other in confusion. 

Bunny- i know but where and when else am i supposed to find you? 

sandy made more signs.

bunny- this will take just a minute. anyway this is Laila and Nox. Laila is mother nature and Nox is mother Earth. 

he made a sand hat and tipped it to us. 

me- nice to meet you to Mr. sandman. 

he gave a big smile to both of us and flouted away. 

Nox- wow we meet all of the big shots in one day. 

me- two days. we meet bunny yesterday. 

Nox- shut up. 

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