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   "You fool! I said left an you went right!" Vegeta fumed. You growled in frustration as you pushed him away blushing. "The damn Ball is tonight and I thought you could have it at least down by now!"

"Shut it will you! You're making me nervous brat!" You blushed even more. Obviously these past days Vegeta wasn't as hard as he usually was on you. He was...kinda soft but still kinda harsh. And over the course of those days, your feelings for him only became stronger for this idiot.

"How the hell am I making you nervous! Just do as you are told!" He spat. Turning his back on you, you could tell he was trying to relax.

"I still have a few more hours....I know I can do it. Just stop yelling at me all the time." He muttered something you couldn't quiet make out be decided to leave it alone.

"Do what you want, I have to go get ready anyway." And with that he left the dance room shutting the door behind him with his tail.

Vegeta's POV

"Cut the shit Vegeta. Its obvious as hell you like her." Raditz sneered popping a grape into his mouth.

"How many times do I have to yell at you all that I do not!" I felt the heat rise up to my face. Yeah whatever, they were right but I'd be an idiot to let them think I'll admit it to them. But personally, she's made me feel things I have never felt in my life before. I just couldn't control myself when I was around her...or when Kakarot dared to mention that he was going to claim he if I didn't make a move soon.

"It's okay. I'll take care of it tonight if he doesn't. This Ball is under her name after all. It must be magical~." The idiot spewed out nonsense as I growled narrowing my eyes.

"Touch her and I kill you."

"Glad you finally admitted it." He smirked while running out of the room before I could strangle him. Not even bothering to look at his older brother, I stepped out of the room going to get dressed.

Few Hours Later

"Look, just walk down to her door. Stick out your arm and interlock it with hers. Then lead her to the Dance floor, have a small dance then confess! We've been over this for about an hour. You clearly got it." Kakarot smiled his signature smile.

"Easy for you to say." I yelled as I made my way down the hallway stopping right in front of Y/N's door. My heart raced as I bought up my hand to knock, You're a Prince for fuck sake! Just do it already! Before I managed a full knock, the door swung open and our eyes locked. Immediately, my heart skipped a beat as she wore a dark blue dress in a (favorite hairstyle) way which made her look absolutely gorgeous.

"I-I-" I cleared my throat trying not to stare, "I am to get you. Now hurry up before we're late."

"And here I thought you were going to be in one of those fairy tales where you kiss me. It was the right moment and it fits well with your ranking as a Prince." She grinned.

I blushed but pushed it away as I forcefully grabbed her chin to make her lips barely touch mine, "Don't go start saying that now, or I'll do more than just kiss you." I whispered chuckling huskily. As I pulled away her face was a dark red color and she didn't dare meet my eyes. Smirking, I stuck out my arm, "Let's go." I ordered and she nodded taking my arm in hers.

When we got their it was packed, good thing was, the dance was about to start and I picked her up just in time.

To be honest, I realized I didn't want her to dance with anyone else but me. So once the music for the slow dance started playing, we both took to the dance floor.

"See," She started to say after we danced in perfect sync for a bit, "I told you I would get it."

I rolled my eyes. "I was beginning to doubt you, darling."

She reddened once I called her that, "What? I thought this was what you wanted a 'fairy tale' as you called it. Is that what your status of Saiyan's do in their free time?" I realized what I said was going too far as her face was in shock and tears dared to spill over. I instantly regretted my words, even if it was only a joke and I glanced to see Kakarot with a hand to his face.

"You're such a bitch Vegeta." She yelled softly her voice cracking. Leaving me there in the middle of the dance floor I saw her take off outside. And I went after her. Once I caught up to her outside on the balcony crying softly while the moonlight made her skin pure white. She was beautiful even when she was crying...even if I was the one that made her cry in the damn first place.

"Y/N..." I started as I walked closer to her but she didn't even look at me.

"Go away Vegeta. I was wrong to think you'd even like someone like me." She confessed. My heart felt as if it was cracking into a million pieces. I gritted my teeth together. It was my fault.

"You should be with someone on your level. I don't know why I thought I..." She trailed off as she brought her hand up to wipe away her tears, but I was faster and I grabbed her wrist soon enough putting my hand in hers and intertwining our fingers. With the other hand, I made her look at me and I pecked her lips before wiping her tears away with my thumb.

"I'm sorry...I should have never said that to you." I was blushing hard...the things this woman does to me...fuck. "Don't ever think you're not good enough for me. Because you are and goddamn it I don't know how you did it but I fucking love you with all my heart woman." I yelled at her before shaking my hand down her waist pulling her to me and kissing her deeply.

She didn't hesitate to kiss back, but she did pull away and I growled softly. "I love you too Vegeta. I'm glad you saved me and made me the happiest person alive."

Smiling, I pulled her in for another kiss, "Same here darling, same here."

The end guys! Sorry it was such a rush but I needed to comeplete at least one of my stories.

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