I can do it too

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"I'll kill her the next time I see her!" Vegeta yelled punching a tree making it snap cleanly in half. He then started pacing back and forth angrily. "I'm doing my best and I get no respect! I've took her in, gave her food and a place to sleep," He faced Nappa and Raditz, "What more does she want from me!" 

Raditz watched Vegeta go back to pacing back and forth, "You've done enough, either kick her out or kill her." Nappa told him.

"How dare she talk to ME like that! I am the Prince of all Saiyan's! No one talks to me that way!" Vegeta yelled while he stopped walking, "You guy's agree don't you! Right!" His eyes shown that he was pissed off. If his voice already didn't make that clear enough.

Vegeta paced once more as Nappa spoke up again, "Absolutely! It's better when you were training by yourself. You didn't have to care about anyone but yourself on how strong you got."

"You also didn't have to hear hard truths that'll just piss you off-" As soon as those words left Raditz's mouth Vegeta growled and shot a powerful blast attack at him. He ducked just in time, "F-Forget that last part okay?" He laughed nervously.

Vegeta let out an angry yell, "We get it Vegeta, your pissed off calm down." A voice from behind him laughed. Vegeta turned around and saw Kakarot and Y/N. 

"You-" He growled, "Your dead!" Vegeta then appeared in front of you and punched you hard. It all happened so fast that you had no time to block it. The hit sent you flying but Kakarot caught you in mid-air and set you down. You spat out some blood and glared at Vegeta.

Kakarot jumped in front of you as Vegeta ran towards you. He stopped once he saw Kakarot and he growled, "Get out of the way you clown!" 

"Why don't you calm down Vegeta? Come on, just give her one more chance." He pleaded.

"I gave her plenty of chances! Now she dies!" He then threw a punch at Kakarot and he caught it. Vegeta growled and Kakarot punched him in the stomach. Vegeta jumped back shaking it off as both males stared at each other for a moment before they both yelled while charging at each other. 

Now, as you watched this fight, you could hardly see them as they fought. The hits were so loud and you could hardly believe what you were watching. As Kakarot was blocking Vegeta's attacks, Vegeta surprised him by giving him a head butt. Kakarot held his head and landed back onto the ground.

You raced over towards him, he told you this wasn't the full extent of his power. As you started healing him Vegeta floated down with his arms crossed, "Just give her another try. She'll learn." He told Vegeta as you soon came to find out he was in no pain at all.

"Whatever." He hissed, "I'm going to train." He then looked at you and gripped your arm forcing you to stand, "There are just some things you need to learn by yourself. Talk to me when you learn at least how to give a strong energy blast." And with that he threw you back to the ground and walked away.

Vegeta went to where his Father was, he threw open the office doors and guards shut them back up. He sat in a chair closest to the office table and rested his head on his hand. "I don't know how to train her, I just don't Father."

King Vegeta sighed and sat back in his chair, "I never thought I would see you whining over some weak girl." His Father replied.

Vegeta glared, "I'm not whining." 

"Why do you want to keep her around?" He asked.

Vegeta looked away staring towards a wall, "Its a feeling I have...well, to be honest I don't completely know myself."

His Father nodded, "So you have a interest in her."

Vegeta gave a faint blush, "Not like that! Don't be ridiculous. She has potential that is all. I told her until she learns how to release a strong blast she can talk to me again and I'll take it from there."

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