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Both of you stayed quiet as you reached the Castle. Vegeta held a smirk on his face, With as quickly as she heals, she can be great to train with. No matter the injury. When you reached the Castle gate the guards immediately opened the front gates letting you inside. The front doors also opened and you just started around in awe on how huge this place was!

But why has the Prince kept me with him, You have heard stories about how ruthless and careless the Prince could be. To be honest you were a little scared. What is he up to, I am the lowest class, why am I here. You moved your (h/c) out of your face as you followed him inside.

You kept following Vegeta till you felt a tap on your shoulder, you whipped around and saw two fairly muscular Saiyan males. You gulped and Vegeta turned his head slightly seeing the two. He growled softly. Great just what he needed!

"What is a female Saiyan doing here?" One of the men said glaring at you. 

Vegeta fully turned around, "It's none of your business Raditz! Don't you and Nappa have somewhere to be?" Vegeta asked with a hit of annoyance in his voice as he folded his arms. 

"She looks like she can't even fight! Just take her back to wherever you found her and come back for some real training-"

Nappa was cut off as he watched another male Saiyan stand behind Vegeta. "You two can be so mean!" The new male said, you looked hurt and stared at the floor the entire time saying nothing. What the one called Nappa said was true. 

"Kakarot!" Vegeta punched his arm hard but he didn't really flinch. "Aren't all of you supposed to be doing something other than pestering me!!" He yelled.

Kakarot laughed ignoring his outburst by walking towards you. He stopped in front of you and smiled, "There must have been a reason as to why Vegeta brought you here! Come on, I'll take you away from them, if you want I can take you back to where ever Vegeta found you!" He put his arm around you and walked with you close to him.

"Hey!" Vegeta shouted appearing in front of you and Kakarot. "You can't take the female!" You jumped when he appeared and next thing you know he grabs your arm taking you out of Kakarot's grasp. 

Kakarot then gave a serious face, you stared. He went from zero to one hundred real quick. "What are you doing?!" Kakarot snatched you back from Vegeta, "Can't you see she is scared and doesn't wanna be here!"

Both are true... You thought silently not daring to speak. "Kakarot as your Prince you give her back! Your the only nice Saiyan to ever live! I don't care, nice gets you no where." Vegeta replied.

"I'm just suggesting we should take her back, pick another one but not her." Kakarot lashed back. He was the only one who could ever talk this way to the Prince. Despise what Vegeta says, they are close friends but hardly ever show it. Vegeta though, was getting frustrated.

"It's not like I'm gonna kill her. You have no say in this," Vegeta got you arm again and brought you back to his side. "As from today she is my apprentice." Raditz and Nappa's eyes went wide.

"W-What?" You said surprised, you didn't know this is what he brought you for. 

Vegeta glanced at you then back at the three Saiyan males. "Sorry, didn't I tell you that already?" 

"You can't take her as an apprentice! Why are you even looking for one anyway!" Raditz questioned the Prince who had a smirk.

"I don't care if she is as weak as a pesky insect. She is staying as my apprentice whether you like it or not! I am the Prince of all Saiyan's you can't tell me what to do!" Vegeta yelled his grip on your arm getting tighter making you mumble an 'ow'. 

But no one heard you, not even Kakarot. "What is the meaning of this, can someone explain-"

"Easy," Kakarot cut of Nappa with a goofy grin, "King Vegeta suggested in order to make Vegeta stronger he should take on a apprentice. But I wouldn't suggest her anyway, why is she so special?" He asked turning back to the Prince.

As quick as a flash he snapped your arm in half and you screamed in pain. You fell to the floor holding you arm as Kakarot rushed to your side, "Vegeta! What the hell!"

"Shut up and look." Vegeta growled crossing his arms over his chest. 

Your arm was back to normal in a minute as you breathed heavily, "I-I'm fine." You got back up by yourself and showed out your arm. "I can heal quickly with any injury you inflict onto me." I hate it. More than anything. You thought biting back a growl. 

"So the King suggested you to do this." Nappa sighed, "Whatever. I see why you want her now, at least we all know she can't break easily." 

Vegeta huffed and closed his eyes walking forward not saying a word, you stayed where you were unsure if to follow him or not. They all looked at you and Kakarot was the only one who smiled at you. But before either could say anything Vegeta's voice echoed, "Come on! Or are you just going to stand there all night!" 

"Bye." You said and Kakarot waved and Raditz hit him on the arm with his fist. You giggled a bit before running to catch up to the Prince and staying behind him at all times. As usual you both said nothing while he walked to a fairly large room and opened the doors.

"This is where you will be staying." He explained entering.

"What do you mean apprentice?" You asked while he sat down on one of the couches. 

"It mean's from now on I will be training with you. If you can't fight to bad, you'll learn." He yawned.

You stood there looking at him quietly, so you were just a punching bag to him? "It's not like I asked."

"And another thing," He said completely ignoring you, "You fuss, cry, whine, or any of that and I will make sure I kill you understand?" 

"Sure," You replied, "I won't, but that doesn't mean I agreed to become this apprentice of yours."

"As if you have some where to go, I know your parent's were killed. They were the best healers the Saiyan's ever had." He didn't look at you as you balled up your fist. "At least I know you can speak anyway." 

Your (e/c) eyes glared at him, "So what does that mean! You feel sorry for me now?" 

His onyx eyes widened and he got up walking to you, "No, I don't care. Sure, people die its the way of life. You think your so special just because your weak and have no family. Well sorry to burst your puny mind but my mother is dead! So you shut up and quit talking if you know what's good for you woman." 

You looked down clenching you jaw tightly, "You can't just take me in expecting that I'll listen to you!"

Vegeta already started walking away from you, "I am the Prince, you will obey me. Now sleep, training starts tomorrow early in the morning!" The doors then closed behind him as he walked out. You stood there in silence staring at the doors.

"He is right...what is so special about me...." You whispered to yourself as you kicked of your shoes and laid on the soft bed. You looked up at the ceiling and cried for a few moments wondering why everything was happening to you. Soon enough though, you fell asleep quickly wishing all of this was a dream.  

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