Chapter 6

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"A vampire." She stated. My eyes widened with shock. Her eyes new were red instead of their normal pale blue.

I turned to Andrew and his expressions told me that what she was stating was true. "Ali." He grimaced, I hadn't noticed it before but he had a fairly long cut down his arm and was bleeding out quickly. "If we don't make it through tonight," he fell to his knees because of the intense pain, "I want you to know that I have always loved you."

"Don't say that." I whispered, too tired from struggling to speak any louder.

Rosemary picked up on Andrew's weakness and yelled, "If you come any closer, your girlfriend dies."

​"No. I. Won't." I mustered. Then I elbowed Rosemary in the gut and impaled her chest with a large branch which I found nearby. I hated feeling like someone had control over me. While Rosemary was recovering from the gaping wound I rushed over to Andrew and helped him up, but soon Rosemary was standing as well.

"Your didn't think that was all I had, did you?" she sneered. The hole from where the branch had been moments ago was now seeping out a gold dust.

Andrew suddenly tightened his grip on the wooden stake and said, "No, but this is." He then threw the long stick which hit Rosemary right where her heart would have been, if she had had one.

Andrew turned to face me and smiled, "Wow, you've got some serious skill!" I laughed and he kept going, "No, truthfully, remind me to tell the board about you sometime."

"I take it that you're a professional vampire killer and that's how your arm healed so fast." I said gesturing to his arm that now had stopped bleeding and looked as good as new with only a light scar to show the damage.

"You take it right. We, vampire hunters, are implanted with special microchips that enable our bodies to heal much faster than any normal human bodies would. Oh, and I was called here because there were an unusually high amount of vampire like crimes. At first I thought you were the vampire because you were so smart and seemed so conservative, but after that night in times square, I knew you weren't." he said.

"And how did you find out I wasn't a vampire?" I asked persistently.

"The moon, vampires have this thing where they can't go out in the full moon. Why? I don't really know."

"Oh," I said looking at the pile of dust that used to be Rosemary and the half moon, "I can't believe that I was her friend."

"Yeah, it is kind of weird for a vampire to establish human friends, but I think Rosemary thought you would be a good vampire, eh what's the word, side kick." He smiled and patted my head like a dog that had just learned a trick.

"What traits do I have to be a 'good vampire side kick'?" I asked with disgust and swatted away his hand from my head.

"Well for one, you're high tempered." He laughed again and then continued, "You're also intelligent, and have great reflexes. Oh and I have one question for you." Andrew said happily.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you want to go to the fall dance with me?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed while he spun me around.

"I just have to remind you, it's today." He said when he stopped spinning me.

"Oh my gosh it is!" I yelped. I hadn't even noticed it coming up. "Oh I have to get ready!" I turned away from Andrew and started to jog back to my dorm where I quickly pulled out a dress that I'd been saving for this day. It was long and red with a black belt and no sleeves. I tried it on and the folded hem came just up to my knees. I pulled on a pair of black sneakers and stepped out of my bathroom. I almost forgot that Rosemary wasn't there to help me get ready. It was going to be hard without my fashion sense from her.

There was a knock on my door and I rushed to open it. I was greeted by Andrew who handed over a bouquet of roses and said, "It seems as though you don't need Rosemary to look good."

I smiled and replied, "How did you know what I was thinking?"

"It comes with the training." He smirked.

"About that training..." I began as he led me down the stairs and opened the door for me, just like always.

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