rescued and free

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Danny's pov
When I woke up I had no idea where I was until I saw'll Brian walk in and then I remembered what happened to me. Brian said that no one breaks up with him then he left the room laughing. I started looking for a phone to call Steve telling him what happened and I am just praying to God that he will come and save me. I finally found a phone and I quickly dialed Steve's number. When I hit the call button it rang two times then I heard Steve's calming voice and then I told him everything and he said he will be right over.
Steve's pov
When I was getting ready for bed my phone started ringing and when I answered it it was Danny and he told me what happened and I told him that I will be right over. I drove to Danny's house with cops behind me and when I got to Danny's house I ran right in with my gun and then came face to face with Brian. Brian asked what I was doing in his house I told him that he has Danny and then Brian throw the first punch and then we started fighting and then after a few more hits he was knocked out and I told a cop to cuff him. I looked around the house and when I finally found Danny he was asleep and I picked him up and took him to my car and started to drive home.
Danny's pov
When I woke up I realized that I was in a new place and that I had new clothes on and bandages around my wounds and then I saw'll Steve come in and I then knew that I have been rescued and that I am free from Brian.

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