Chapter 29 - The Penultimate Move

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~ Davina

I am seriously considering drinking the vial of water that I took from the waterfall. The scars on my back and the Black Spot are making me partially disabled. I'm in too much agony to walk, let alone climb trees or teach the Lost Boys how to fight. I spent yesterday evening and most of today, sitting against my usual tree and trying to keep my mind off of the pain. Bobby regularly brings me food and water to make sure I'm still alive. I let my sore eyes droop shut, resting them and easing some of the pain. A thin layer of sweat has assumed a permanent position on my forehead. I've never heard of the Black Spot affecting someone this badly.

"Davina...hey, Davina," someone whispers.

I force my eyes to open, and my vision has to focus. It's Pan, "Yeah?"

"I'm going to be brutally look horrific."


"Not that I'm an expert on this...but I assume that no one is normally affected this badly?" He asks.

I sigh, taking a sip of water from the canteen almost strapped to my hand, and shake my head, "No. I have a theory."

"Really? Do share. Maybe I can help."

I don't even have the energy to roll my eyes at him, let alone give a sarcastic comment. I sit up a bit more, wincing at every ache in my body. With a deep breath, I explain. 

"I've had this deal with him for so long, only slightly longer than I've had the pendant. When my family and I finally got hold of the pendant, we knew that we would need to find Davy Jones as soon as possible, and be free of the deal. But we also weren't going to give someone that much power so soon and so easily..." I pause to take another breath. "So we stalled. We travelled everywhere, purposely got ourselves in trouble so we would have an excuse for the delay, all the while finding a way in how to break out of a deal with Davy Jones. We collected a lot of information, but none of the answers gave us easy ways out..." I have to stop to wait out the wave of agony by gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw, "...but...eventually, he found us. His crew ran us ashore, and we fought them...we lost...when I woke up...I was alone. He held me in a separate part of the ship. It was me who made the deal, and I was breaking it. I'd hidden the pendant a short time after we found it, so I didn't have it on me. I was tortured by every single one of his crew members until I finally revealed that I didn't have it, that it was being bounced between every person who came across it, and thus we have my artful back of scars. He still didn't believe me, so he forced a dreamcatcher on my mind, which mentally scarred me. Then, came the second curse. Davy Jones found a witch, or a sorceress or whatever...and well...that scar from the top to the bottom of my back? He placed a curse on me that if I didn't fulfil this deal, then the Black Spot would be back, the Kraken will find me and bring me to him, and if that didn't work, then that scar would cause me so much pain it would force me to fulfil the deal. It's connected to every nerve in my spine, which means that every part of my body is in agony. It also acts as a homing beacon. He's tracking me. He knows where I am," I drink again. "He must have located the pendant, and got one of his crewmen to drop it off in the Echo Caves. Either that or one of your Boys has had the fear of God put into him by Jones."

"So what's your theory?"

I take another sip of water, "My theory...well...first I had to ask, why now? He's given me all of these years of freedom, so why now? The only answer...something must have happened to threaten his life. He needs this, to sustain him. He needs this so he can continue ruling the sea. He's desperate. Which is my only leverage. But that won't stop him from taking me."

"So what are you going to do about it?"


"You're Davina, you're not going down without a fight."

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