Chapter 4

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I woke up to a pair of the greenest eyes staring down at me.

"Holy-" I yelped, sitting straight up. Green Eyes didn't move in time and I ended up banging my forehead against their's. We both groaned at the harsh 'thump', rubbing our foreheads.

"Sorry." I moaned, tenderly touching the spot on my temple. There was no response and I looked up to see who I hit.

First thing I noticed, was that he didn't have any real clothes. He had on tattered pants, it looked like it was made from animal hide, and was 3 sizes too small, showing off his ankles. He was barefoot, and instead of a shirt had leaves and vines of different colors stitched together skillfully so that it covered most of his chest. He was about 19, with natural muscles that looked like he got from working outdoors. His hair was a reddish brown, messy and sticking up in places. The perfect 'bed head' as Rebecca would've called it. He was taller than me, with sun-kissed skin and freckles on the bridge of his nose. His lips were full and had a nice tint of pink, but I tried not to notice.

His eyes are what captivated me the most. Other than being the brightest green I've ever seen, they also held a lot of anger, particularly aimed at me for some reason.

"Um..hi?" He said nothing, but continued to glare. He made no move to help me up, but instead narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're not Wendy." His tone was cold, and his eyes flickered with hurt. I'm surprised he spoke English, he looked like he lived in the wild all his life. His teeth were straight and a nice white, which also caught me off guard. How can he brush his teeth?

"No.." I trailed, I hesitantly got up, shaking off some dirt from my jeans and sticking out a hand to shake, "I'm Adi."

"I didn't ask." He sneered, ignoring my greeting. Although to some this boy might've been attractive, right now he was acting like a major douche.

"Gee, thought I'd thank the guy that saved me but nooooo." I muttered, putting my hand down. He still didn't look happy to see me, but I swear I saw the corner of his lips twitch.

He rolled his eyes and turned, his back facing me. He took a few steps forward, obviously walking away, before slightly looking back.

"Peter. My name is Peter." And with those simple words he left, disappearing into the thick trees and vines.

I stayed silent for a moment, trying to process what just happened. I drowned, washed up on some beach, and got kidnapped by homeless men. Some boy, not much older than me saved me from pirates. We were flying and now I was stuck in the middle of a jungle.


I was stuck in the middle of a jungle.

"Perfect." I groaned, searching to see which way Peter went. I spun around twice, and then just decided to go for it, randomly venturing off into a possibly dangerous forest. It was twice as hot here, and soon I was sweating through my tanktop, really wishing I had wore shorts to that party.

Using the hair tie around my wrist, I pulled up my dyed hair into a ponytail and continued.

The jungle was a sea of green, with spatters of pinks, blues, and purples. Beautiful (and possibly poisonous) flowers bloomed from the vines and branches. The floor was moist with water and made a squelching sound with each step I took. The range of animals differed, which made it hard to distinguish where I was. I saw a deer roaming the high grass, but a lemur hanging from a tree. That's another thing, the trees were aged and towering, hanging veils of flowers in front of the path.

Due to this, I had the lucky misfortune of being me and walked straight into a bee.

It was huge, bigger than most bees and...glowed. Maybe a firefly? In any case I yelped and started to swat at it as it buzzed around my face. I absolutely hate bugs. It started buzzing louder, almost in anger and skillfully avoided my hands. The more I listened the more I realized it didn't really sound like buzzing.

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