Chapter 1

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I dragged my unbearably heavy luggage through the airport terminal, standing on the tips of my converse trying to find Aunt Helena and the twins. The dull roar of the hundreds of people beside me doesn't help and my wheel on the suitcase is constantly sticking, dragging me backwards and knocking me into people. I blew my fringe out of my eyes as I tripped once again, earning an icy glare from a woman in a skin tight business suit and a smartphone in her manicured fingers. I sneered back at her. Hmph, I thought the English were suppose to be nice.

Or was that the Canadians?

I was about to go into an inner debate on the topic when I spotted the wildly colored hair of my little cousin.

"Rebecca!" I grinned, calling out to her. Her blue eyes caught mine and she smiled warmly, tugging her mother's sleeve and pointing over to me. I quickly shuffled over to my family, trugding in my heavy duty rain boots. Back in New York it was raining something fierce. 

"Adi." Aunt Helena smiled, wrapping me in a tight hug after I approached them. My 15 year old cousins stood next to her expectantly waiting their turn. Aiden had grown taller since I saw him last, but he was still as skinny as ever.

"You'd think you'd grow some muscle over the years." I joke lightly, giving him a tight squeeze afterwards. He chuckled, his voice suprisingly deep. He shook his overgrown hair out as I pulled away, making a phony offended face.

"I am hurt, I'm practically named after you and this is how I'm treated."

"Ah, you love me."

"Eh, maybe." His british accent was thick and he gave me a wide smile. Rebecca forcefully pushed him aside, her blue and red streaks bouncing wildly as she tightly wrapped her arms around my neck. Her thin arms were astonishingly strong as she crushed my windpipe.

"So this is how I die?" I croak, looking up at the ceiling. Rebecca swatted my arm playful, letting me breathe once again.

Helena took my bag and we all hastily walked out of the chaos of Heathrow, exchanging stories of the plane ride and greetings from Mom back home. It was about 7 in the morning and the sun was hidden behind white clouds of fluff, making outside chillier than expected. I wrapped my hoodie tighter around myself, Aiden smirking in his short sleeves.

"You get used to it."

"I thought it was summer?" I bit, my cheeks reddening in the temperature drop. Rebecca just laughed, not sounding very attractive as she let out a snort every four seconds. Aiden mumbled something about ''choking a goddamn pig' and I stifled a laugh. Rebecca punched her twin in the arm not so playfully and I just shook my head at the two, already missing my annoying little sister Amy.

I adjusted the black beanie on my head, all of us finally reaching the parking spot in which Aunt Helena left her blue Toyota. 

"Tonight a friend of mine is throwing a party, interested?" Aiden said lowly, so his mother wouldn't hear. I turned to him and nodded, a wide grin spreading on my face.

"I'm in."


"Everyone here is younger than me." I whined, my head resting on Rebecca's shoulder as she downed another drink. Her hair was pulled up in a loose bun, and bright blue eyes outlined in black. She wore skin tight white jeans and combat boots, with a red flannel on top. The party was laid back, and I felt slightly out of place with the many eyes on me. Aiden had snuck off with some girl about half an hour ago, and I was left to babysit his lightweight sister.

"At least you can drink legally here." She slurred, giggling idiotically and resting her head on my lap. I groaned at the lost of my cushion and leaned back against the couch. It smelled like someone's grandmother and I started gaining doubts about ever coming to this party.

Sure it would be fun if it wasn't for the fact that the only people I knew here were either AWOL or drunk off their ass. Music played in the background and the guests had departed into their own groups, talking amongst themselves. Rebecca and her friend Sarah were giggling about some boy from their chemistry class as I played with my red dyed tips, bored out of my mind.

The lights were dim in the room, so I didn't see Aiden come behind me. I jumped as I felt his hand on my shoulder, squealing.

"Asshole." I huffed as he bent over laughing. He was also tipsy, but not as much as his sister. He wore dark jeans and sneakers like me, but with a Blink 182 shirt while I wore a Pierce the Veil crew neck. He sat beside me, playing with my bracelets also bored now. Apparently the girl he was with earlier ended up passing out on the bed so now he was stuck here like me.

"We should go somewhere, this party is dead." Sarah piped up, wrinkling her nose to a couple fiercely making out in the corner near the drinks. Well great, now I can't even get a refill.

"I'll drive, I'm sober." I sighed, but Sarah just shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing.

"You don't know how to drive English style, you'll get us killed." She pointed out. I groaned louder now, pulling down my beanie till it covered my face. Rebecca giggled again, telling me I looked like the boogey man. I facepalmed over my beanie, which just made her laugh even more.

"We can always go to Hook." Aiden suggested.

I uncovered my face, looking at him quizzically.

"What's Hook?"

"River Hook is a river by here. Only a 15 minute walk, and it's said to be haunted." Sarah explained, shuddering. Her frown only grew when Aiden broke out into a creepy smile, reminding me of the Grinch. His floppy dark hair just added the effect. Without thinking I grabbed the bobby pin that was holding my fringe up and used it to pull back his own bangs, so now he looked more like a toddler than a psychopath.

"You look adorable." I chuckled approvingly, earning laughter from the girls. He pouted and stood up, yanking me up with him.

"Lets just go already." He grumbled, yanking the pin out and sticking it in the drink of a guy currently busy sucking face with his girlfriend to notice.

I snickered as Aiden dragged me out of the house, leading the girls and I through the woods in the back.

"Following the leader, the leader, the leader, following the leader...." Rebecca sang off key as we disappeared into the thick vegetation.











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