
28 6 4

static interrupts my sleep
like a discouraged radio signal

the red room

the clock ticks on.

wasn't it midnight a moment ago?

something glows in the corner
can't s e e

tick tock ti ck

break in the fre--


i'm in the red room
what is the red room
i asked a question

the clock ticks on.

i see words, they fly off at me
cant reed

wh5r 1s s5ns5 1n sl55p?

the clock




a/n- so this poem is a bit (should i say very?) abstract. it's my attempt at recreating what dreams feel like and how you lose touch with rational thought while asleep. the only sentence that ends with a period is "the clock ticks on" because it is the only coherent thought, the only actual thing occurring outside of the dream. if you evaluate all the little lines, i played with the words a little to imitate the sensation you have in dreams. so it's not supposed to make perfect sense, but hopefully you understand what i was trying to demonstrate :)

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