Chapter Six: The Question

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"No. I am not marrying her mother." Mitchel frowned as he pushed open his bedroom doors, stomping inside like a child.

"Yes, you will Mitchel." His mother breathed following after him, "Why don't you want to marry her? She is a nice enough girl. Besides her father owns a lot of businesses in town, don't you want to have those under our power?"

"No mother. I honestly couldn't care less."

"What do you mean you 'couldn't care less?'" His mother asked offended by the boy's words. "This is your job as the next king."

Mitchel shook his head as he began to change tossing his clothes on the floor.

"I don't like Harriet. She is just.... Not my type. Plus, she is extremely bland."

His mother sighed as she went to pick the now discarded clothing up from the floor tossing them in the hamper.

"You think your father is my type? I married him because my father chose him."

"Are you happy, mother?"

"...I'm happy enough. Besides the point isn't to be happy, we're doing what is best for the kingdom."

"Well I won't. I refuse to be forced to spend the rest of my life with someone I don't like."

The woman shook her head once again as she moved over to her son, placing a hand on his head.

"Listen, even if you do not marry Harriet you will have to marry someone. You're an adult now, the kingdom is waiting to see you wed. Besides your father and I won't live forever... and even if we did we'd never get to go to the cabin we planned to retire too."

"Ah, I see. So you only want me to get married so you can run off and leave the kingdom to me? Then why don't you just leave it to me right now. I don't need to get married to rule."

"You don't but I'd feel much better if you had someone else by your side. Ruling over these people can be very stressful... especially with the rumors going around."

"You mean the uprising?" Mitchel asked finally pulling his shirt down over his head.

".... Yes. Although this isn't the first time they've talked about it. I don't think it'll actually happen. They're all too afraid of us."

"Of course mother. Look I've been thinking. You want me to get married so bad... Then why don't I pick the person?"

"You have an interest in someone?" She asked surprised as she looked her son over. "you've never shown any interest in anyone... as far as I know anyway. Who are they?"

"They're... a servant."

"A servant? They won't bring us any more power but I suppose it wouldn't be the first time a someone in our family married a servant... So since you say that they aren't a fire being?"

"No. They aren't... but what does that matter? I can marry them and rule over the country and you can father can go live your life in the cabin."

The queen looked down for a moment seeming to be thinking long and hard to herself about her son's words.

"Fine." She spoke after a moment longer of silence. "In three days we'll hold the ceremony."

"What? Three days? Mother that isn't long enough! He probably won't even like the idea."

"I'm sure it won't be a problem. What kind of person wouldn't want to be royalty? Make sure they come to dinner tonight. After you tell them." She hummed her mind now made up for what would be happening very soon.

The queen had a smile on her face as she glanced back to her son before pulling the heavy doors behind her.

Mitchel watched his mother before he was left alone in his room. He didn't think it would be happening that quickly. He still had to officially 'whoo' Jonah who seemed to think nothing of him... at least not in the romantic spectrum... but maybe his mother was right. Who wouldn't want to marry a prince?
Actually, Jonah is someone wouldn't want to marry a prince and he knew it all too well. But the sooner he got married the sooner he could help his people... Jonah would understand this... most defiantly.

Just as Mitchel's hand went to his mouth, his teeth being to gnaw off his already nonexistent nails, there was a loud knock at the door.

"Prince Mitchel may I come in?"

Perfect just the person Mitchel was worrying about. He would think it to be just a coincidence but of course it wasn't at all. It was Jonah's job to be with Mitchel all of the time anyway. The only time they were apart was when Jonah was with his parents.

Mitchel took in a deep breath readjusting himself before clearing his throat and speaking clearly, "Yes, Jonah come in."

The door opened, before Mitchel could even finish his sentence, and Jonah stepped in the room looking at the other sitting on his bed.

"Is something wrong?"

"Something wrong?" Mitchel laughed a bit looking over at Jonah, "Why do you ask that?"

"... there is something about your... light. It seems dimmer than usual... Adam said when your light gets lower that you usually have something wrong..." Jonah moved to step towards the bed, placing his hand on Mitchel's head. "... Although I can't exactly tell the difference in your temperature..."

Mitchel blinked at the sudden placement of Jonah's hand. Even if his light wasn't as bright his cheeks were brighter than ever. He closed his eyes seeming to be talking to himself before he quickly grabbed Jonah's hand holding it in his own.

"Jonah. I need to tell you something."

Jonah blinked looking confused at the other's action.

"... Okay..."

"... Where do I begin..." Mitchel muttered to himself still holding tightly onto Jonah's hand. "Well... I guess..." He took in a deep breath before swiftly moving off of his bed and onto the floor with one knee against the carpet. "Jonah, Marry me." 

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