Chapter Four: Royal Lunch

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Jonah sighed looking up from his book filled desk and out the windows to the outside world. It had been weeks already since he's been here. Not only has he been made to study none stop about becoming a butler but he was also forbidden to go outside. He was told by Sir Adams that this was the Prince's one rule for the boy. Jonah hadn't even met the prince yet either so who was he to say that Jonah would run away? It was ridiculous.

His gaze shifted as there was a loud knock on the doors, before they were pushed open, Sarah moved in push the metal trolley with plates of food on it.

"Hello, Jonah." She smiled pushing it over to the small table in his room. "Sir Adam is coming to see how your table manners have improved. So be sure to show him your best. The sooner you get his approval the sooner he'll retire and be out of here. You'll be much less mean to me won't you Jonah?"

Jonah smiled to the girl, he closed his book and stood up moving to help her place the dishes on the table.

"I think I have the table manners down."

"Good." Adam commented as he stepped into the room as well. "But Sarah has the details mixed up. You see Jonah, I will not be dining with you. The prince has requested to join you. I've already approved of your table etiquette. Which is why I agreed to this."

"The prince?" Sarah asked looking at the table. "I should have known when the chef handed me the good china."

"Why does he want to have lunch with me alone?" Jonah tilted his head slightly looking to Sir Adams who hadn't moved much further into the room.

"I'm not sure. But it's his wish. I asked no further questions on the matter. Now, before he arrives, did you do your homework?" He glanced to the cluttered desk stepping towards it looking at the papers piled on it.

"Oh, Yes. I did." He quickly made his way over to the desk moving a few things out of the way before picking up the paper. "The math was really easy."

"Of course it is." Adam took the papers examining it. "I'm only educating you the stuff you need to know and that's about up to middle school. We're lucky you already know how to read."

"Well Lis... I mean the person who raised me read to me all the time. So I gradually picked it up by watching her."

"Yes well... It would have been good if you learned how to spell as well... For the tenth time, your name is spelled J-O-N-A-H. There is no G."

"Yes. Sorry." He looked away, "I'll study harder tonight."

"Good." He nodded looking to Sarah. "Come along Sarah. Jonah has to straighten up his desk before the prince comes."

Sarah blinked looking to Adam before quickly grabbing the cart pushing it out the door. Adam smiled slightly watching her leave before he glanced to Jonah nodding slightly and walking out.

Jonah sighed again as he was left alone in his room. He looked to his desk then to the bed before quickly moving to beginning to make them look neat. He had so many things he wanted to actually talk to the prince about this meeting couldn't have been timed better. Maybe he could guilt the prince into just letting him go... although then they'd know about him, so that probably wouldn't work. 'I can't mention Lisa either.' He reminded himself. Well at least he could ask him why he wanted Jonah to be his new butler. He was just a normal guy.

As the boy pondered thing he could ask the prince and the ways he could present them to the other, the door opened slightly.

"Jonah?" The voice asked as it stepped into the room.

Jonah turned looking towards the door watching it close behind the same young man he had seen in the vehicle a few weeks ago.

"Hello." The male smiled stepping towards Jonah. His skin was a beautiful orange, and his short hair moved slightly as if it was alive, the colors changing from the roots to the ends. He was honestly a very handsome boy. But something about him stirred something in Jonah. A distant memory.

Jonah looked at him a while trying to recall what exactly the male reminded him of before he quickly bowed his head, his cheeks turning a dark blue with embarrassment.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, your highness."

The other made a light chuckle as he moved to the table removing his crow lightly setting it on the seat of one of the chairs.

"Please lift your head. You don't need to bow to me and besides that, the pleasure is all mine." He moved back towards Jonah reaching out his hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you again Jonah."

"Meet me... again?" Jonah asked lifting his head, letting the prince take his hand.

"Yes. You may not remember me, but I've dreamed of meeting you again. We've met once when we were children." He moved taking Jonah's hand to his lips. "When we were younger just touching would give us both a shock. However, I've trained myself." He looked back up showing Jonah a toothy grin. "I'll reintroduce myself. I'm Mitchel, but you can call me Mitch."

Jonah looked a bit surprised as the prince kissed his hand pulling away from him slightly.

"I'm sorry. Your highness but- "


"I'm sorry?"

"You're not allowed to call me highness or anything like that. I want you to call me Mitchel or Mitch, but nothing else. Understand?"

"Oh, Yes... Anyway, I'm sorry your.... I mean Mitchel I don't know what it is you're talking about."

"I'm not surprised." Mitchel chuckled releasing Jonah's hand. "We were only children. The only reason I remembered you is because I became obsessed with you."

"I'm sorry... You're obsessed with me?"

"Yes, of course. Not only where you someone that thought nothing of me, but your child-self had captured my heart, you were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... and when you landed on me... I won't lie it was the first time I'd ever gotten hard... It was amazing."

"Um..." Jonah blinked stepping back from Mitchel now, feeling very uncomfortable from his confession. "So... You want to keep me here as your butler?"

"Well... I would love to let you go away... but that idiot solider brought you into the eyes of the public. If I let you go you'd be in danger... I would love to start a normal relationship with you but... that seems impossible now that everyone knows you're not an earth being.... Anyway."

Mitchel turned clapping his hands as he moved towards the table pulling out a chair looking over to Jonah.

"How about, we start this lunch date before the food gets cold?" He winked waiting for Jonah to sit down in the chair.

The boy blinked watching Mitchel. Well... the prince loved him... that at least means he wouldn't be in danger right? Although the prince was nothing like Jonah had originally thought, he didn't have to return his feelings... and Mitchel would be king one day... maybe then things could change and Jonah could see Lisa again.

Jonah looked at Mitchel a moment longer before stepping forward sitting in the chair. For now, he'd have to get close to Mitchel and then maybe someday... things would change.

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