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There once was kingdom ruled by beings that resembled the earth, we called them the people of nature. They were kind and they were beautiful, they treated everyone equally and loved all. The kingdom was very peaceful and everyone that lived there was happy. However, all happy stories must meet their fate and come to an end. That was when the fire beings showed up with their armies destroying everything until the kingdom was handed over to them. The rules were then reversed and no one was treated any better than what the fire beings saw them as.

The fire beings became the Kings and the queens, the Nature became nothing more than peasants along with all of the elemental beings, except for the one who could destroy the fire's reign. The people made of water. They were sent to exile, most of them anyway. The lucky few were left met their fate as being nothing more than savants to any element that wanted them. They were low beings now and nothing could change that.

This has been this way for over a thousand years and everyone that was around for the war was gone. The Earth royals were no more and it was rare to see a person made of water venturing out into the streets of the kingdom.

Jonah had the pleasure of being born as the lowest of all the elemental beings. Jonah was made from water.

When he was born his parents got taken away to work and live as servants. They were sent out to a farm many miles from the kingdom. However, his parent's owners had no use for a child, let alone a new born. They left him in the same spot his mother had put him down to rest, the night before they were taken away.

Jonah stayed in his bed for an entire week until a passing Earth being heard his cry come from within a small patch of dirt in the land that was dug out for Jonah's family to live in. She saw the boy and smiled lifting him from his makeshift crib and tried desperately to find his parents. When she couldn't she decided to keep him and give him the good life which is what he deserved. She taught him to read and to write and helped him feel like everyone else. She became his mother and he became her son. But one day Jonah wanted so desperately to leave their small home in the middle of nowhere and find a friend and that is where our story begins.....

[Author's note: Okay here is just a bit of what I've been working on, I'll have to wait to continue this however so I can finish Shivers. Updates will be random due to life.]

Elementals book one: Land of Flame (boyXboy)Where stories live. Discover now