Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six: Poppy.

"What the hell was that all about?" Poppy whispered as she sat oppostie Maura but glanced at Jane who was now making more Lattes behind the counter.

"Its just a thing they do at the cafe" Maura replied looking at Poppy.

Poppy shrugged then turned to Maura with a smile.

"You havent kissed me yet" Poppy smirked.

Maura didnt want to do this here. She wasnt embarassed of her relationship with Poppy..She just didnt want Jane to see. Do i like here? Well of course i do shes a lovely girl. But do you like her Maura?

Poppy pulled on Maura's collar across the table pushing her lips to Maura's.

What a jerk. Jane thought as she looked up from across the room. If i kissed those lips..Id make sure i kissed her like i meant it.

Jane took the two lattes across the room and place them down on Maura's table causing Maura to move back away from Poppy grasp looking a little guitly.

"Two lattes" Jane said a little blunt then smiled at Maura and walked away.

Poppy watched her go and laughed a little.

"She looks young Maura. Why you going for girls like that?" Poppy asked before taking a sip of her latte keepi g her eyes locked to Maura's the whole time.

Maura choked a little and looked to Poppy shocked.

"Poppy! Dont be so ridiculous" Maura said strongly.

"She is good looking though" Poppy said biting her lip watching Jane.

Maura just looked down to her latte.

I dont deserve this.


Jane filled out the last part of the paper before calling out to Miss Isles to come over and check her answeres.

Maura quickly ticked off most of the answeres but she couldnt focus. She was hoping Jane wouldnt see the -

"Miss..What happened to you're arm?" Jane whispered to the woman.

Maura looked down at her arm and pulled her black sleeve down a little further trying to cover the bruise.

"Well done Jane. All of those where correct." Maura said before passing Jane's paper back then returning to her desk just as the bell called out.

Students began flowing out into the corridors but Jane didnt move. Maura didnt notice as she was marking more papers.

"Maura?" Jane spoke softly as she made her way towards her desk. Her heavy boots pounding on the floor.

Maura looked up a little stunned.

"Jane? Its lunch you're free to go"

"I Know. Im just making sure everything is okay with you" Jane said as she stood before Maura.

"Why wouldnt i be Jane?" Maura asked looking up.

Dont try and pretend things are okay Maura.

"I cant just tell."

"Well i am fine. I promise." Maura swore.

Jane smiled. Maura was sweet.

"You have hives.." Jane laughed.

"Pardon?" Maura asked confused.

"Your arms and chest. There flushed. You cant lie Maura" Jane laughed.

Majra looked down and was suprised. No one has ever noticed that before apart from Jane.

"Let me take you to lunch." Jane suggested.

"That wouldnt be appropriate Jane" Maura said factly.

Jane smiled shaking her head as she looked to the floor.

"Alright. Have a nice day..Miss" Maura watched Jane go.


"Ah Miss Isles. Nice to see you join us this lunch time" Mr Hoyt smiled incrediously as she entered the staff room.

"Mr Hoyt" She nodded without a smile as she went to refil her coffee cup.

He stood and came closer to Miss Isles.

"I suggest you leave Miss Rizzoli alone. I am to deal with all her problems and incidents." Mr hoyt said low in her ear.

Maura turned and looked at the man she knew haunted Jane's dreams.

"Jane was in need of some comfort. And im sure she doesnt want it from an old man. Goodbye Mr Hoyt." Maura stated then left quickly with her coffee.

She made her way through the corridors smiling to each boys attention she caught then she locked eyes with Jane.

"You still want to get lunch Jane?" She asked as she reached the slender figure.

"Thats an innapropraite question miss" Jane smirked.

Maura smiled and looked down to her feet.

"I mean in school. In my office prehaps? I wanted to go over a few things with you." Maura suggested.

"Alright. Lead the way madam" Jane winked to frost as she made her way to Miss isles office.

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