Chapter Three.

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Chapter Three; Heart of stone.

The bell rung signaling for class to be dismissed. Frost and Jane packed up their things and started towards the door when Miss Isles called foe Jane to wait back. So she did.

"Want me to wait?" Frost asked.

"No its cool, you go ahead" Jane said before turning and walking back to the woman.

Maura smiled as she stepped closer to Jane.

"I didnt realize you went here. You looked much older the other day in the cafe" Maura complimented.

Jane smiled and she looked down at the smaller woman.

"Yeah, I go here" Jane laughed a little.

"I can see. The latte was fabulouse bg the way. I may have to co.e by and get another" Maura smiled.

"Maybe you should" Jane smirked.

They stared at eachother for a moment before Jane piped up.

"Well i got to go, I have Baseball next so..See ya around" Jane said before turning and leaving.

This time Maura was the one watching after her.


Jane stood up on the spot as she pulled her bat behind her head. She pulled her redsox cap tower down to her face and bent down a little. The ball came fast at her and she didnf even put much effort in when she swung the bat and send it on its way.

She dropped the bat and began to sprint to each base. As she rou ded the 3rd one she saw Miss Isles watching but from the wrong part. She was standing between Jane and the last base. As Jane was sprinting she thought of a way to get around her. Then she remembered a move she learned in gymnastics when she was 12.

Maura turned and saw Jane coming at her but it was to late to move. Jane ran faster and faster at her shwoing no signs or going around the woman. Maura froze too frighte ed to move when all of a sudden she felt Jane's hands on her shoulers the  she was gone and sliding to 4th base.

Jane had lept over Maura and ran to last base and made it home.

Jane lept over me. I was standing up right too. How did she do that?!

Jane stood up and headed over to Maura pulling her cap on backwards. Out of breath and abit slangy Jane said:

"Sorry about the Miss. I hope i didnt hurt ya"

Maura looked to the young athletic girl and smiled.

"You just lept over me?" Maura asked shocked.

"Yes ma'am. Im sorry i shouldnt have done that." Jane said in her country tinge accent.

"No no..Jane it was amazing. How could you habe possibly jumped that high?" Maura asked.

"I did gymnastics when i was about 5 up till i was 12. Im flexible" Jane smirked causing Maura to blush a little.

"Well, Your a very..Talented girl huh" Maura smiled.

"I guess so" Jane replied with a smirk.

Jane turned to look at the game when she felt a strong bony hand on her shoulder.

"Jane. What a risky leap you took there" It was him. Mr Hoyt.

Maura could sense Jane's awkwardeness and saw her trying to break loose from his grip on her shoulder.

What is happening here? Shall i come up with an excuse to get her away? No Maura, Dont almake her think you like her this early.

"Jane. Shall we go and finish the few questions you have left on you mock paper?" Maura said looking into Janes eyes.

Jane nodded and Mr Hoyt let her go and Jane began walking away quickly. Maura didnt move and locked gazes with Mr Hoyt then ran a little after Jane.

Once she caught up with Jane, Jane looked abit relieved that it was Maura instead of Mr Hoyt.

"Are you alright Jane?" Maura asked.

"Yes Miss. I just dont like people toucjing me is all. Especially him." Jane replied.

They reached the school building and Jane held open the door for Maura to walk through and they headed to Maura's class room.

As they entered Maura sat in her charlir and Jane stood there like an idiot looking around.

"Uh...Im not sure why i came up here.." Jane laughed.

Maura looked up and frowned.

"Oh yes..That appears to be a silly decision. Why dont you go get out of your pe uniform and you can come back and we can work on some of you're papers" Maura asked.

"Well the first option ill take. But i have to get home for 3, I gotta do a shift in the cafe. You should stop by, ill make you a latte." Jane smirked as she headed out and down to the changing rooms.

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