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I wake up and prepare for school. I bring my bag full of swimming things for later.

I eat a bread for breakfast and make sure I don't take too long so I won't be late on my second day.

I go outside and I'm surprised to see a familiar person standing by.

"Hey!" I say and wave my hand, "what brings you here?"

"Well, I figured it's funner when there are two people walking together," Joo Hyuk says and shows off his smile again, just like yesterday.

"It sure is."

We arrive in school within a few minutes and go to our separate classrooms.

I wish I walked a little slower.

The day begins with him on my mind, and it will probably the same way. I can't wait for practice to start and maybe, just maybe, to see him too.

Pull yourself together, Hye Ri, you just got here. You don't even know the guy.

[ lunch ]

I eat with Teu Rina and we talk until we get interrupted by a sudden bam on our table.

"Mind if I eat here?" I look up to see a person I'm getting used to seeing: Nam Joo Hyuk.

Rude, mouths Teu Rina, who is sitting across me, but super cute. Say yes.

"Sure, but we're just about to finish," I reply.

Without another word, he sits down as soon as I utter the phrase "sure".

He eats his food, while I occasionally take a peek at him.

I talk with Teu Rina as if he isn't beside me, yet the only thing on my mind right now is him.

He masticates his food and doesn't seem to mind either Teu Rina or me. He just eats there, and I question how there can be such a man who can eat so adorably.

"Cute," I say aloud without purposely doing so. I cover my mouth and pretend nothing happened, yet Teu Rina just has to asks, "what?"

"Nothing," I say.

"Oh no, you definitely said something!"

"I did not," I say and give her a glare, trying to send her a signal.

"Oh yeah, you're right, I must be hallucinating," she looks away and tries to do some acting, but she looks pretty obvious.

"No, you aren't hallucinating, I heard it too." Those are the first words Joo Hyuk says since sitting down beside me.

"I think she said...." he trails off, "cute?"

"Oh, uh, I meant to say that Teu Rina's clip was really cute. Haha," I ridiculously try to cover myself up.

"But you said it was ugliest thing you've ever seen a while ago!" She protests.

I send her another one of my killer glares and show her that she is not going to live to see the moonlight tonight.

"Well, you know, ugly is cute. Cute is ugly," I say.

"Then you're really cute," Joo Hyuk says to me while smiling.

I blush momentarily, then I shortly notice he means to say I'm really ugly. "Get out," I say.

"No thank you?" He asks me with puppy eyes.

"Well, if you aren't leaving, then I gladly am," I say as I stand up, then storm out of the cafeteria.

When I'm out of anyone's sight, I go to a corner and giggle, thinking about the puppy eyes Joo Hyuk made.

He is really cute.

- - - e n d - - -

hi! i'm actually working on an original story so it's difficult for me to manage two stories at once (i can't seem to fix my priorities haha) and i'm saying this so that you guys can read my other story once i publish it. & sorry for slow updates !!

ciao, fabjules.

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written [170214]
published [170224]

her senior swimmer | nam joohyukWhere stories live. Discover now