Chapter 6

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Zayn's POV:::

All of us headed to Nando Restaurant for lunch because Niall begged us. When we walked in we got a seat towards the back and then later ordered our food. Since everyone was talking about what they were doing afterwards I got bored and was just looking around and then stopped. There at a table across the room was a girl. Not just any girl, a beautiful girl, who turned, looked at me, and smiled. That's when I realized I was staring at her and smiling. I looked away and started talking with the boys but kept glancing at her. I needed to talk to her or do something.

"Hey guys I'll be right back" I said as I got up and walked over to her table.

"Hi" I nervously said.

"Hey" she smiled. Man was her smile pretty!

"Mind if I join you for a few minutes?" Since she was all alone I wanted to talk to her.

"Sure, why not."

I sat down across from her an smiled.

"So what's your name?"


"I like that name haha although Zayn is just so my name"

"Hahaha well I gotta go"

"Oh ok" I said kinda sad.

"Here text me" she handed me a napkin with her phone number on it then paid, and walked out.

"Thanks.." Yes!!! I got her number now!!!

I walked back over to the boys to find everyone staring at me and smirking.

"So who is the lover?" Niall teased.

"Shut up Niall."

Zoey's POV:::

We left the restaurant after teasing Zayn some more. Haha what a group of boys huh?

At home I went to my room and started playing on the computer my brother got me. He needs to stop spending money on me. Then I hopped in the shower, got in my pjs and watched a movie by myself and fell asleep.

Jordyn's POV:::

I can't believe it!! Zayn talked to me! But why me? He is THEE Zayn Malik....I'm just Jordyn... Why would he talk to me? Oh well he probably was being dared or whatever and won't even text me. Oh well, a girl can dream right. Well when I got home from work a little later after the restaurant I took a shower and got in my pjs and then sat on the couch. My phone went off saying I had a text message. When I looked at it it was some different number I didn't recognize. It came up private number to. When I looked at the text it was Zayn. ZAYN TEXTED ME!!! HOLY CRAP!!!! WHOAH!!!!! IM SHOCKED!! MOSTLY JUMPING UP AND DOWN SAYING WOOHOO!! I texted back and the rest of the night Zayn Malik and I texted. YES!!!!

Louis's POV:::

When I walked in to check on Zoey, she was sound asleep. I smiled and closed the door and then went to bed in my room.

Zayn's POV:::

That night I texted Jordyn and ended up falling asleep at like 3 am after she said she had to go to bed. I think I really like her. Like REALLY like her. I need to get to know her more.

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