Chapter 4

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Harry's POV::

I can't believe he feel for my sister. I kinda figured someone did but I didn't expect it to be Louis. Although they do have a lot in common. They both are great to around with, they got a great sense of humor, and personality, also my sister is pretty crazy, if she talked you would see, Louis by far is the craziest guy I have ever met.

When I got to her door I knocked then walked in. She was putting her new clothes away that Louis had gotten her. I should have noticed that he has been around her a lot. Hmm... She might like him back, but ya never know, she could also just try being nice to him since she doesn't know anyone of the boys that's well.

"Hey sis" I said happily.

She looked at me and smiled then waved hello. Boy do I wish she could talk again. Those bastards are gonna pay.

"I see Louis took you shopping."

*yep* she texted me on her phone.

"I got a question for you, do you like any of the boys?" I sat next to her on her bed and I saw she was blushing.

"Ok now I know you do, can you please tell me?"

*yes, but can I trust you?*

"Of course you can! Why would you ask that?"

*I don't want you telling anyone*

"I promise not to tell"

*ok you better not, so I kinda sorta maybe like........Louis*

"I KNEW IT!! Oh my this is awesome!"


"He sorta kinda maybe likes you to!"

*no he doesn't stop lying*

"I'm not lying!"

*why would he like some girl like me when there are others out there way better then me?*

"Your an amazing girl Zoey, stop, those others out there aren't as cool as you!"

*whatever I don't think so, well I'm gonna get in the shower! it's getting late and I'm tired*

"Ok bye"

I walked out of the room and smiled. But I promised not to tell anyone....well I maybe could say something else, she said I can't TELL anyone she didn't say anything about writing it or texting it to someone. Haha loop hole!! I such a smart ass!

"So what did she say?" Louis said impatiently.

"She told me but I can't tell anyone. So I'm gonna text it to you" I said whole laughing.

I texted him she like him and he just started blushing like an idiot and smiling so cheesy.

~At 11:30 pm~

Louis's POV::

I can't believe she likes me! I can't believe it at all! What of Harry is messing with me! Oh my! I don't know what to do!

Well that night I heard something from next to my room, Zoey's roomies right next to it. It sounded like she was crying so I got up from bed, since me and the lads went to sleep because we had an interview tomorrow morning.

"Zoey?" I walked in her room and noticed that she wasn't in her bed. I saw the bathroom door closed and a light coming from behind it. I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Zoey? You ok?" Of course she didn't respond because she doesn't talk. I decided to open the doer so I opened it slowly and saw her sitting on the bathroom floor against the wall crying. I went and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?" She looked up at me and got out her phone and texted,

*just I nightmare....don't worry about it*

That's when I saw something red on her arm. I took her arm and saw 2 fresh new cuts.

"You cut? But why?"

*Cuz I feel It helps to stop bunking of what happened.*

"It may help for a few minutes but it doesn't get rid of the memories forever. Cutting helps nothing, you need to stop please! I don't want you to do this. I don't want you to do anything like this, cutting leads to suicide."

*I know, I just can't, I don't know how, it's not like I can talk my problems to someone, I don't talk, and I am not gonna text them, that doesn't help anything.*

"I know, but you just have to stop, I will help you with whatever I can."

*why do you want to help me? I'm not worth anything, I'm just a girl who cuts, was kidnapped for 3 years, and doesn't talk.*

"You are worth more then that, you are an amazing girl, hose others are just show offs, and they just cover themselves in makeup to look "good". You act like your true self, you don't act like a false person just to make people like. You are beautiful, on the inside and on the outside. And people should respect that."

*thnx, that really means a lot*

"Your welcome, I'm only saying the truth. And also truth is Zoey...... I like you, a lot, and I think your an amazing person to be with. And every second of the day I am falling for you more and more. I like you more then a friend...I love you Zoey.." Before I could keep talking I heard Zoey, it was like she was trying to say something.

"I...I love you to" she said. She said her first words! And it was the words that want the most to me! I looked at her and she was smiling, so was I. Before I knew it we both leaned in, and she closed that gap with a kiss. I kissed her back, and right then and there I was the most happiest person alive.

Zoey's POV::

I said my first words in 3 yrs! I finally talked! And I kissed the boy I loved! I can't believe this is all happening! We both separated and then smiled.

"Then will you be mine?" He asked me, I smiled and said another word.


That night he helped me clean up and promised to not tell anyone anything and we went to bed. I slept happily that night, and I haven't slept happy in a long time.

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