Chapter 14

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A/n: you guys are going to hate me after this but whatever.

Louis' P.O.V

A couple weeks had passed but a lot had changed. Harry had been spending most of his time with Ed. Most of the school day I would just spend with the lads cause Harry would be with him.

Then in the afternoons he'd be with him as well unless me and him had prior plans. The only time I really got to see him was in class, luckily we had all but one of our classes together and him and Ed didn't have any except the one that we didn't have.

I saw Harry at lunch and for once he was alone. I happily walked over to him and plopped in the seat next to him. "Hi babe."

"Hi." He smiled and kissed my lips gently.

"So do you have any plans today?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"Well I was hoping you and I could maybe go back to your place and watch a movie, just us? We haven't had Louis and Harry time, Larry time if you will, in a while." I pouted.

"Sure that sounds great." He smiled.

"Great." I smiled back. This felt nice just me and him.

"Hey Harry." Ed sat down across from us and I frowned. Well that was nice while it lasted.

"Hey Ed." Harry smiled at him.

"So do you want to hang out after school?" Ed asked picking up his poor excuse for a hamburger.

"He has plans." I interrupted. "We have plans."

"Oh okay." Ed frowned and took a bite of his burger.

"Sorry mate, we can hang out tomorrow alright?" Harry offered.

"Yeah, sounds good." Ed smiled and continued to eat. The rest of lunch felt like I was third wheeling. Harry and Ed were so involved in their conversation, Harry acted as if I wasn't even there. I just couldn't wait till after school so we could finally be alone.


Harry and I were cuddled on his couch watching Ferris Buller's Day Off. Well more of I was watching while Harry was texting someone on his phone. He snickered quietly at something the other person said and quickly typed a response.

"Who are you texting?" I asked.

"Oh just Ed." He replied not taking his eyes off his screen.

I sat up and mustered up all my courage so I could say what was on my mind. "I don't think you should be hanging out with Ed anymore."

He looked up from his phone for the first time since we got here. "What?"

"All you do is hang out with Ed and the time that we do something together we spend it with you talking to Ed!" I raised my voice. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you and Ed were dating considering you talk to him more that you do me."

Harry stood up, looking quite offended at my accusation. "That is not true! I talk to you everyday. I spend my afternoons with him and the day with you, what's so bad about that?"

"Harry, the time we spend together is when we're doing work in school. There's noting we can do durning that time. Plus Ed has a crush on you and you know it!"

"Oh really? How would you know that?" He folded his arms.

"I see the way he looks at you Harry. It's the same way you look at me or, at least, how you used to."

"If you're so concerned about me and my friends maybe we shouldn't even be together!" Harry shouted, now fuming. I was taken back by his response and as soon as he said it I could tell he regretted it.

"I'm just going to go." I slipped on my shoes and jacket despite Harry's protest.

"Louis please don't go. I'm sorry I-I didn't mean it. Please stay with me." He begged.

"I can't be here with you right now." I shook my head and left his house. I got in my car as tears streamed down my face. The last thing that I was holding onto just told me that maybe we shouldn't be together.

I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't. I felt so overwhelmed, like I was drowning even though there was nothing to drown in other than my emotions.

I knew what I was going to do. It was a long time coming, there was no stopping it to begin with. I drove out of his driveway, my tires screeching. I drove quickly to get to the dirt road that nobody is ever on.

I was almost there when I realized I should probably call Harry to tell him my go all goodbye and remind him it's not his fault. He blamed himself for Nick's death I didn't need him blaming himself for mine too.

I dialed his number quickly till he answered. "Lou?"

"I'm sorry." I sobbed loudly. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"Louis what happened? Did you relapse again?" He asked frantically.

"I just can't hold on anymore Harry, I can't do it. I don't belong here, Haz." I shook my head though he couldn't see me.

"What are you talking about? Louis what are are you doing?" He asked, practically screaming into the phone.

"I-I just wanted to call you to say goodbye."

"No! No! Louis listen to me, do not do this! I can help you, you can make through this!" He yelled through the phone.

"Quite honestly it's too late for that." I chuckled sadly. "There's something else I wanted to tell you . Promise me you won't blame yourself for this, it's not your fault."


"Promise me, Harry." I interrupted. "It is not your fault, okay? This has been a long time coming, you have nothing to do with it. Promise me okay?"

"Okay, I promise." He sniffed. "But please Louis don't do this, I'm begging you."

"I'm sorry Harry, I really have to." I sighed. I saw I was coming up on the curve. "It's time, goodbye Harry."

I took the sharp turn at a hundred miles an hour while Harry was shouting through the phone, "No! No! Louis no please!"

The car flipped over the railing and that's all I remember before everything went black.


A/n: I'm sorry, like I'm really sorry for this. So hope you liked it anyways(?) also in case you didn't notice I changed it from Nick to Ed because I totally forgot I already made Nick Harry's friend that committed suicide. love you xoxo

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