Chapter 3

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A/n: SO HAVE YOU GUYS LISTENED TO 'THIS TOWN'? IT LITERALLY GAVE ME SHIVERS. That has nothing to do this chapter I just felt the need to talk about it. So if you guys haven't heard it yet the link is in Niall's Instagram bio, on his twitter, or on Spotify.


Louis' P.O.V

The day went by with me chatting it up with Harry, but of course all good things must come to an end. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged Harry.

"Would you mind if I came to your house? To help me with this homework I mean. I kind of sort of have no clue what I'm doing." He chuckled.

I didn't want him to come over, but if I told him no that would be pretty shitty. "Yeah sure." I smiled fakely, only making him frown like he did the first time I did it. "Well my car is over here so come on." He simply nodded and we walked over.

The ride wasn't that long, ten minutes to be exact. But it was the longest ten minutes of my life, you could cut the tension in that car with a knife. "We're here." I parked the car and hopped out as Harry hesitated but followed. "Mum? I'm home." I yelled, Harry stood behind me shyly.

"Hello boobear!" She walked in the room and hugged me. "Who's this?" She motioned to Harry.

"This is Harry, it was his first day today." I explained.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Harry. As you probably realized I'm Louis' mother, but you can just call me jay." She shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you jay." He grinned, his dimples prominent.

"So do you boys want something to eat?"

"I'm good, but thank you." Harry answered politely

"Okay, Louis?" She turned to me.

"No I'm not hungry." I shook my head.

"Well did you eat lunch?" She furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, I did." I smiled making Harry look at me with a worried expression. "Well we're going to go up to my room to work on homework."

"Okay dinner will be ready shortly, Harry your welcome to stay for dinner if you want to." She Hollered over her shoulder as she began to walk back to the kitchen.

"Well let's go then." I led Harry up to my room and plopped down on my bed. He walked in hesitantly and sat quietly on the bed. It was silent for a while until Harry spoke up.

"Why'd you lie?" He whispered quietly.

"W-what?" I looked at him.

"You told your mum that you at lunch. But I was with you at lunch and you didn't eat. So why'd you lie to her?" He looked up from his lap.

"I'm not hungry and if I told her I didn't eat lunch she'd literally shove food down my throat."

"Are you—are you staving yourself?" I just stared at him, unsure what to say. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you that, it's not any of my business."

"N-no it's fine. I'm not starving myself per say, I just don't eat that much." Lies. I don't ever eat unless my mother forces me to, even then sometimes I throw it up afterwards. I eat probably four times a week at the most. "I'm just a little self conscious about my body that's all."

"You shouldn't be, you're very fit Louis." He blurted and blushed as soon as he realized what he said.

"Is Harry Styles hitting on me?" I smirked.

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