Chapter 10

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Harry's P.O.V

I left the house, though I knew what was going to happen once I did. I knew Louis was cutting, since the first day I met him, but truly seeing it made reality hit me like a truck. I didn't want to believe it was true, I kept telling myself that maybe it's just a misunderstanding and Louis isn't hurting himself but I knew he was.

I was mad but not at Louis, this really wasn't something he could control by himself. I was mad at his friends. They could know but not know how to handle it or they could not know it and are just oblivious fucks. Either way, I was pissed.

All I could think about was Nick, how I left him alone, didn't help him and he ended um killing himself. I didn't want Louis to face the same fate, dare I say that I love Louis. It was too early in our relationship to say that but not too early to feel it.

I reached the end of the street and glanced back at Louis house. I spun on my heel and stalked back. I wasn't going to leave Louis alone, not like how I left Nick. Louis needs me right now, whether he'll admit it or not, he does.

I ran up his driveway and turned the knob on the door, it was unlocked. I walked into the house and went up to Louis' room. I opened the door and saw Louis was curled up in his bed. I took the opportunity to look for his razors.

I was going to take them, sure he'd be pissed but he'll thank me later after he gets through this. I searched everywhere but I couldn't find them. He had really hidden them well but it was understandable since he clearly didn't want anyone to know.

I sighed defeatedly and walked over to Louis. His cheeks were tear stained and he had a frown on his face. It hurt me just to see him like this. I pulled up his sleeves where sure enough, there were fresh cuts. They were still bleeding, he didn't even bother to clean himself.

I walked into his bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit and a wet flannel. I walked back to him, picking up his arm and wiping it with the flannel. Once it was clean of blood, I wrapped it in gauze then proceeding to do the same to the other side. I checked his thighs but they had no fresh cuts.

I set the first aid kit and flannel on his nightstand, climbing into Louis' bed and cuddling him in my arms. Eventually, I fell asleep.


Louis' P.O.V

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I got up and noticed some gauze wrapped around my arms. I looked at my nightstand, there was a wet flannel and the first aid kit sitting there.

I panicked, did my mum come home and see this? She's probably packing my bags for the mental hospital right now. I shot out of my bed and walked towards my window, my mum's car wasn't here, neither was Dan's. If they didn't do it then who did?

I ran down the stairs where I heard a tea kettle whistle from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen where Harry was standing, making two cups of tea. I just stood there, unsure of what to say.

He turned around and nearly dropped the mugs once he saw me. "Oh you're up, I was about to bring you some tea."

"You came back." I croaked.

"Yeah I did, I came back when I reached the end of your street. I saw you were asleep so I cleaned your cuts and bandaged them." He handed me the mug and I gladly took it.

"Thank you." I took a sip, letting the delightful liquid invade my mouth. "I-I know that you don't want to date some freak like me, so I understand why you're breaking up with me."

"Louis, I'm not breaking up with you." He shook his head. "I want to help you get through this."

"Harry, I'm in too deep. There's no saving me now." I bit my lip.

"It's never too late to turn around." He gripped my shoulder reassuringly.

"You really think so?" I looked up at him.

"I know so." He kissed my forehead lightly. "But you have to be willing to get better."

"I am." I sniffed, on the verge of crying again. "I want to get better for you."

"I don't want you to do this just for me." He shook his head. "I want you to do this for you too. I want to see you smile an actual smile."

"Okay." I nodded. We went to my couch and we cuddled on it with our cups of tea for the rest of the night.


A/n: another update because even though I updated yesterday some people were telling me to update again. *cough* hanamehmetaj hedgehoglovesfrog *cough* *cough* so being the nice person I am here's another update. Love you xoxo

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