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 Everyone still seems pretty shaken up from what happened in Aprill all those years ago but, I don't really see why, no one died, strange really. After what happened, the city got reconstructed, we had a pretty tight community, and three of the six of our trees weren't damaged. Luckily, our power plant wasn't damaged either. I'm actually very surprised we don't have thousands of homes around here. We even have an amazing water supply.

I finally make enough money to afford a house. I walked through the vibrant crowds of people and looked into an alley way to see a man hitting a crying woman. I glared at him, and quietly stepped towards him with haste. As I stood behind him, I slowly pushed my over-sized flannel out of the way of my gun holster. My gun was custom-made by the one and only me. I didn't have time to name the model but I just call it quik. It has a lot of power yet it's as light as a sheet of aluminum foil. The bullets are specially designed to be fast and quiet so they don't draw attention, I don't like to stand out too much, or be too social at all, sadly, I'm about the most popular person 'round my neck of the woods. I put the muzzle of my cold sleek gun up to the nape of the punks neck, leaned my head closer to his ear and said, "I want you to tell me what's going on here, now." he choked at first, but he slowly built up his confidence again "Y-you see, s-she, she's been stealin' my money, uh yeah, that." I immediately pulled out a gun identical to the other one and pulled the trigger. The woman flinched and ran away as the man collapsed and rubbed the back of his neck cursing I laughed at him "Hahaha!" I pointed a sharp finger towards him "Your lucky I used my rubber bullets and not my special ones!" I revoked him of all weapons and drew 'Quiked' in bright red letters on his forehead. I crouched down and said with a friendly smirk "You've just been Quiked, buddy. I hope you learned your lesson, else'n I'll be back to make sure you do. I don't like to see people cry, but I don't mind seeing bad people in pain."

I stopped by the local saloon to visit Amber, she's one of my closed friends, and her mother used to run the saloon before she passed away, the deed was in Amber's hands, since she had no siblings or close relatives. DING "Hey Amb, any thing new going round the town?" I sat down on the bright red leather seat and winked at her, her yellow-brown eyes smiled at me as she filled her pint sized mug with whiskey, sliding it to a man. Amber walked over to me and giggled, leaning close to me, "I think that guy over there fancies me, he's been giving me this look." I rolled my eyes, "Men, your probably right... I mean every guy in this town is after your body! Haha!" I started to tear up as I practically screamed out the last part "Oh-You- Sh-shut up! You know guy's would be like that to you if you stopped wearing clothes that hid all of your goods!" I blushed and scratched my head, shrugging with a smug grin. After a while she jumped up and said in a whisper yell, "People are saying Vash the stampede is on his way to our town right now!" I pushed her away from my face and a sigh escaped from my mouth "Honestly, I don't care. I don't even think he'd come to such a boring and peaceful town." Amber jumped up again a raised a finger "So was July, remember? And thousands of people die- uh oh, oops-I- I'm sorry I brought it up." My head was down and my eyes were shrouded by hair as I stood up, the chair screeched and everyone in the bar was startled. I didn't even look up as I left the building and set down my narrow path towards the plot of land I owned. I looked up at my cozy house. It had two floors but the top floor only had two bed rooms and a bathroom. On the first floor was another bathroom, a kitchen, and a small den area.

I trudged up my stairs, not even bothering to lock my door, no one would dare break in Quik's house anyway. I looked down the hall way and found the very last door on the right side. The wood was black, a deep, dead-looking color. As I opened the door, I started taking off my clothes, carelessly trowing them where ever I pleased. I plopped onto the giant mattress that took up much of the space in my room. I cried my self to sleep so it didn't matter anyway. Turned to look at the plethora of empty space next to me, and I pondered on what Amber said, 'You know guys would be all over you if you didn't hide everything you've got!' Those words echoed and bounced around like the always did. "I don't want a man who only loves me for my looks," Then I drifted off to sleep, and let the cool night consume me, and the dark shadows embrace me in a tight warmth, clashing with the cold winds coming from my open window.

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