Chapter 14: Yuu's Mistake [m]

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"How are you... Doing?" Kimizuki hesitantly asked me.

"What do you mean 'How am I doing?' I am absolutely great, thanks for asking. I'm so excited for my old pal to get married to the girl of his dreams..." An exaggeratedly sweet smile plastered onto my face. Kimizuki returned a grimace and Yoichi looked uneasy.

The wedding was being held outside of the palace, although part of it was inside of the mansion also. The tall trees were decorated in beautiful string lights and flowers. There were many white chairs set up, and hundreds of people sitting in them.

There was a big sized gazebo were a priest had stood. It was absolutely exquisite. A dream wedding that hopeless romantic, lovesick teenage girls would fawn over.

"Thank you all for coming!" Krul spoke into a mic. "I am very honored that my lavish son will be marrying such an elegant lady." She smiled. "Thank you for taking this time today to celebrate such a prestigious event. We will now begin the ceremony. Can the Maid of honor and the best man step onto the stage, please?"

Best man? And he didn't choose me? If you're not going to take me as your bride then atleast choose me as your best man... Stupid Mikaela.

And guess who stepped out of their seat? Yoichi. Motherfucking Yoichi and not me. Atleast he looks really cute today. But, he stole my spot in Mika's heart.

I guess Mikaela would choose Yoichi over me, any day. I reached out and took a glass of some strong vodka from a nearby servant.

Fuck that, I'm taking a few more glasses. I need more alcohol to survive this hell.

Mikaela likes Yoichi, doesn't he? I mean Yoichi is really cute. Mikaela probably likes Mitsuba too, she's beautiful. He probably likes everyone but me.

I'm so worthless. I'm so low class. I feel like such a mess. I hate myself so much.

I took another long gulp as the sickening sweet alcohol burned my throat. Shinoa was saying something on stage about how she's glad Mitsuba's getting married, blah, blah, blah. I didn't listen as I felt my head began to get fuzzy.

Oh, lookie me! I'm getting drunk.

I suddenly felt a weird boost of confidence hit me and I looked to Guren with a flirtatious smile. "Hey der, sweeeet thang." I winked.

I think he was drunk too cause he giggled. "Oh you!" He pushed my chest lightly. "You're the sweetest, though. And hey!! Your hair looks like mine!"

"Yeah! Speaking of sweet, isn't this liquid stuff just great?!" I laughed holding the glass containing the alcohol that I wanted more of.

"Yeah! I bet thaaaat you can't drink those two glasses in oneeee sitting! Hehe!" Guren slided two glasses of alcohol towards me.

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet? You think you are dah tuff stuffs, but you no aren't. Let's see who can drink dem faster!" I challenged.

And we drank many, many more glasses. Then, a very drunk Guren stood up, his legs unsteady, as he held out a hand to me.

I glanced at the direction of the platinum blonde boy, gazing at me from the stage. Wedding ceremony music started to blast through the speakers and I looked back to Guren's hands and took it in my own.

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