Alternate Ending

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~Quick A/N: I felt bad about ending it the way I did so I wrote an alternate ending!! (Just kidding, I love torturing you guys like that.) -Heather >.<~

 I woke up at around 1:00am that morning, grabbed my clothes, and ran out the door. I didn't have much time to escape before the nurses or Dr. Armstrong found out. The hallway was silent, excluding my quiet. I passed by a couple of dimly lit rooms, but the hallway was dark otherwise. When I finally reached the doors, I sprinted through the parking lot, slinging my small bag over my shoulder.

I grabbed my phone and started dialling Vic's number, and Jaime picked up. "Kellin, I presume?" He answered. I sighed, knowing as soon as I heard the voice that it wasn't Vic. I screamed loudly in aggravation, trying to let my anger out, then put the small cell phone back up to my ear. "What do you want from me?!" I exclaimed, yelling. There was a small silence before he answered. "I want Vic to fall in love with me again, and for that, you have to be dead." He replied, more calmly than he should've. I took a deep breath. "Well, you can have Vic. But you have to get through me first." I retorted determinedly. Jaime chuckled from the other end of the line. "Is that a threat?" He asked. "You bet your ass it is." I challenged. There was a short silence before he spoke again. "Well, Kellin. I'll see you soon." He mocked me. Then, the phone went dead.

I raced to my car and slumped down into the seat, making a loud boom. the line soon going dead.

I hadn't used Vic's car in a week, but it worked and started well for a broken piece of junk. The car jerked backwards and spun smoothly as I pulled away from the small parking space, and I raced toward the highway. I knew that I was driving recklessly, but I didn't care. I was too determined to get to Vic as fast as I could, as both of our lives were in danger. When I finally reached Vic's house, assuming that's where Jaime was, I jerked the car to a complete stop and jumped out of it onto the asphalt road. "Jaime?! I'm here now, you can have me! Just take Vic back to the hospital!" I shouted at the small house as I walked up to the porch and opened the door.

The door was unlocked, which surprised me, and as soon as I had opened it, I heard Vic's voice. "Kellin! Kellin! Are you there? Don't give into him! Don't give yourself to him!" He yelled. I followed his voice up the stairs, through the hallway, and into his bedroom. Sitting on one of the kitchen chairs in the middle of the small room was a terrified looking Vic, tied to the chair. Something about this situation didn't seem right to me, then I realized that Jaime wasn't here. I decided to discard the thought and spend my time untying Vic. In the middle of untying him, I heard a voice from the doorway. Jaime.

"And I've got you right where I want you," Jaime declared, "Bang." He made a gun with his hand and pretended to shoot me. "What do you want, Jaime?!" Vic exclaimed, still trying to escape from the grasps of the ropes. I stood up in front of Vic, as if to protect him from Jaime. "I won't let you take him." I told him aggressively. Jaime chuckled quietly to himself and stared at me with an evil smirk on his face. Suddenly, he pulled out a small handgun and pointed at Vic, then at me. "Which of you should go first?" He menaced, repeatedly switching the gun from me to Vic. "I think... Kellin." He hissed as he held the gun steadily towards me.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and in the blink of an eye, a blur jumped in front of me. Vic. I cried out, seeing him drop to the floor in front of me. "Aw, too bad." Jaime pouted in a fake sympathetic voice. I rushed over to the limp looking Vic who was lying on the floor next to me. His chest was covered in crimson blood and he seemed peaceful, like he was asleep. "Vic? Vic..." I sobbed as I shook his flaccid body. "You sadistic bastard!" I screamed, frantically scampering towards Jaime. He clumsily aimed the gun at me and tried to shoot, but I swiftly dodged it.

I ducked quickly past his arm and bolted upright next to him, then clocked him in the nose. There was a small cracking sound, and I could tell that I had broken his nose by the amount of blood gushing from it. "You little shit!" He yelled as he aimed the gun at my head. There was a loud bang as the gun fired, but I dodged it, making the bullet hit the top of my shoulder. I cried out in pain and fell to the ground next to Vic, but soon bolted back up in front of Jaime. He cocked the pistol in his hand and aimed it at me, but I ducked under it and twisted his arm, making the gun fall on the floor in

front of me. He screamed in pain and clutched his arm in his hands and fell to his knees, then I reached swiftly for the gun and aimed directly at his forehead. There was a loud bang as I pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit Jaime square in the forehead. He screamed in agony and defeat, then everything was silent, if only for a second.

"Kellin..." I heard Vic moan from behind me, giving me a relieved feeling because somehow, I knew that everything was going to be okay.

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