Chapter Seven

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 ~Hey people who are reading this, sorry about the lack of updates. I try, but school and shit, you know? -H~

When I woke up, I heard the familiar sound of beeping monitors. I was back in my same bed, and there were nurses standing all around me fiddling with the monitors and poking seemingly random needles into my arms. My head lulled back and forth and my vision was still blurry, making me nauseous. I tried keeping my head up, but my muscles in my neck didn't seem to be working. Then, the world went black again.

My eyes fluttered open, revealing a concerned Dr. Armstrong sitting on the end of the bed. "Ugh..." I groaned loudly. Apparently, my voice wasn't working yet. Dr. Armstrong patted my knee supportively. "You don't have to talk yet, Kellin. We found a trace of a mild unknown poison in your bloodstream, so you probably don't feel well. Give it time, and you'll feel fine. I'm here if you need anything. Anyway, I have other patients to attend to if you don't mind." He told me. I tried muffling out a "thank you" or "thanks" or something, but my voice wasn't quite working still. I waited in my hospital room for what felt like hours, but then my door slowly opened.

"Kellin!" A girl's high pitch voice screamed. Tay walked into my room and flung herself onto my bed. She scooched over and hugged me tightly. A few seconds later, a nurse entered the room. "Are you two okay? Can I get you and your boyfriend anything?" She asked us, looking at Tay and I. Tay burst out laughing. I would've too. "We're not in a relationship! We're best friends! Besides, Kellin is hella gay, and I'm obviously not a guy." She laughed, motioning to her plaid skirt. The nurse's pale face turned bright red. "Oh... sorry... I'll be there if you need anything, just pressed the button..." The nurse turned around and stiffly walked out of the room. As soon as she left, Tay and I burst out laughing, which made my voice hurt. I guess I was getting better.

After a couple hours of chatting, Tay left me alone in my room. My voice got a lot better and I could talk very quietly. It felt nice talking to her since I hadn't talked to her in a while. I mean, Dr. Armstrong said that I was out for about a week. I wonder if she had come to see me before today. I heard a knock on my door. "Can I come in, Kellin?" Asked the voice from behind of the door. "Yeah," I said croakily. My voice was getting louder as I got better, and I was almost talking normally. The door slowly opened, revealing a tired looking Dr. Armstrong. He walked carefully over to my bed and slowly sat down. "Kellin... I didn't tell you this before because of the state of your health and I didn't know how well you react, but Vic went missing a few days ago, while the poison still had you knocked out." Dr. Armstrong told me softly. Those words struck fear into my heart.

"But... no..." I said quietly, helplessly. I was at a loss for words. Vic couldn't be gone, he couldn't be. But then it hit me. Jaime. He was the only one who could've done this. My face warped into an expression of sadness and anger. "Kellin?" Dr. Armstrong asked worriedly. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at him. "Yeah?" I replied. Dr. Armstrong looked at me sympathetically and patted me on the back. "You don't want to know anything about it?" He asked sadly. "I know who did it, Dr. Armstrong," I told him quietly. The expression on his face quickly changed from sympathetic to curious. "It was Jaime Preciado. He's been leaving Vic and I threats on sticky notes for us everywhere. The first one was left in our fridge, he had broken into our house. The second one was on Vic's car's hood, and the third one was left on this bed. I think he's obsessed with Vic." Dr. Armstrong looked a lot more worried now. "Do you know anything more about him?" He asked. "Just that he was Vic's ex-boyfriend and that he used to go to our school," I replied.

After multiple attempts at reassuring me, Dr. Armstrong left the room, leaving me alone. That was it. I was going to find Vic myself.

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