Chapter Six

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*SHORT AUTHOR'S NOTE* Sorry for the, like, MONTH LONG hiatus. I was busy and had no creative anything and shit. Basically, my mom found out that I was gonna commit suicide and shit so I wasn't allowed on the Internet, anyways, enjoy the story!

 I brought my hand up to shield my eyes from the bright, white light and looked around. It was a simple room, with only the bed that I was lying on, a small table next to me, my medical equipment on the other side of me, and a chair across from my bed. The room was silent, excluding the quiet beeping of the monitor next to me. I heard the door open and saw an older man dressed in a white coat who must've been the doctor enter the room. "Hello, Kellin. I'm Dr. Armstrong, your doctor." He informed me as he approached my bed. You've suffered from a mild concussion and a couple of cuts and bruises. After a few hours of rest, you should be fine. Do you need water or anything?" Dr. Armstrong asked me. I stared at him for a couple seconds, still out of it from the crash.

"Is Vic okay?" I blurted out, more loudly than expected. Dr. Armstrong shifted uncomfortable where he was standing. "Vic's... Vic's in a coma." He told me softly. My mind went blank. I couldn't even comprehend the thought of Vic being in a coma because even though I'd just met him, he was the closest person I'd had to family since I was thrown out of my parent's house. "Kellin..." Dr. Armstrong said cautiously, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Can I see him?" I asked anxiously. Dr. Armstrong nodded. "Follow me."

I slowly got out of my uncomfortable hospital bed and walked towards the door of the room, where Dr. Armstrong was standing. We walked to another wing of the hospital, the Intensive Care Unit. Vic was laying there, motionless. He looked dead, or almost dead. I ran to him and clutched his limp hand. My face was wet from tears and pale from worry. "Vic! Vic..." I exclaimed. There was no reply, only the steady beeping of the monitors. "Do you need some time with him?" Dr. Armstrong asked kindly. I nodded as he left the room. My hand did not leave his as I stared at Vic. He was so peaceful, lying there. Though I could see lines of concern from past events, his face was relaxed and calm. After a few minutes of just looking at him, I gave him a small kiss on the lips and walked out of the room.

When I arrived back at my room, I saw a small, yellow piece of paper stuck in the middle of my bed. As soon as I saw it, I knew what it was. It was another note from Jaime, or from whoever J was. I walked meekly over to my empty hospital bed and picked up the yellow sticky note. It read, "I hope you've already said goodbye to your precious little Vic. You won't see him for a long, long time. -Jaime". My eyes welled up and I collapsed onto the bed. Nothing could have possibly happened to Vic, right? I mean, I had just seen him a couple minutes ago. It was probably just a threat and I shouldn't be worried, right? I stood up and sat on the uncomfortable hospital bed, leaning up against the headboard. I took a small sip of water and looked out the window. The water tasted a little weird, kind of bittersweet. Then, my vision went blurry and I felt myself tip off my uncomfortable hospital bed, hitting the ground.

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