4. SimplyxJess

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Interview number four is with the amazing,funny Jess.Enjoy my little munckins x

1} Why did you decide to join wattpad?

I joined Wattpad because a bunch of plagiarism was happening over at this site I was originally at called Booksie. Most of my friends were moving for safety reasons, so I decided to merge on over here.

2}Would you consider yourself a well-known author?Why/why not?

I don't think I'm very well-known. I mean, there's authors on here with like 20,000 fans, which is crazy compared to mine

3}What do you most like to be called by people on wattpad? (Fans, friends e.t.c.)

Everyone on here just calls me Jess. My friends from school and such call me by either my last name or my first.

4} What is your favourite thing about wattpad?

The fact that there's so much talent on here! It's crazy how amazing some of the stories on here are. I get hooked so easily onto some novels.

5}How do you think you have become so successful?

I don't think I'm SO successful really. I do think that Bullet definitely played a factor though when it came to me gaining more fans and reads and such. It was like I published it on here and everyone came out of nowhere! Which I'm so greatly appreciative of and grateful for.

6}What is your favourite food?

Pizza! Totally. I have such an unhealthy obsession haha.

7}What’s your favourite drink?

I absolutely LOVE red velvet lattes from Dunkin Donuts. I randomly decided to try it since it was the winter drink and it's SO good.

8}What’s your favourite movie?

Hmm, when it comes to romance, I love the move He's Just Not That Into You. Especially Gigi and Alex's scenes! When it comes to comedy, definitely the movie We're the Millers. It's too funny!

9}Who is your role-model?

I actually have a few because I take something from each of them. I look up to Demi Lovato because of her past struggles with dealing with her feelings and things like. I also look up to Austin Carlile from this band called Of Mice & Men because he's been through so much and still continues to come out on top. When it comes to a writing role model, definitely Jennifer Echols or Morgan Matson. So much to learn from them.

10}Which of your stories(if you have more than one),is the most successful in your eyes?

Bullet! I don't know what it was about it, but it was like things flew from there. So many people commented and told me they loved it for so many different reasons. And I gained so many amazing fans from it. It's also the one with the most reads/comments/etc.

11}Who is your favourite celebrity?

I LOVE James Franco, haha. He's too gorgeous and such a talented actor.

12}Your favourite tv show?

I have way too many to pick one! I'll just give you a few: The Fosters, The Carrie Diaries, Shameless, Pretty Little Liars, Nashville, Degrassi.

13}Are you friends with any other successful authors on wattpad?

I have a few actually! At least who I believe are super successful as writers. There's Noelle (hepburnettes), Kammi (bercueses), Katie (katiecruz), Mahrsy (xXMopelXx). But I also have friends who are amazing writers like Stephanie (littlebirdie_), Lyssa (lyssade), Trish (Entice_) and Iris (Liaisons)

14}What’s your favourite song?

Omg, this question! That's really hard. Right now, I'm kind of hooked on the song Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood. Also, Just Keep Breathing by We The Kings (the acoustic version).

15}Do you think you have a good fanbase?Why?

I have an AWESOME fan base. Honestly, each and every one of them are just lovely people. They're so complimentary and supportive. I mean, with the number of times that I've taken down unfinished novels, taken breaks or even took forever to update, they're so patient and nice. I love them all.

16}If you had to make up a group name for your fans,what would it be? (eg. One Direction~Directioners,Justin Bieber~ Beliebers)

I don't really have a name. When my friend Iris did an interview with me, she called them the Jessiahs, haha :P

17}If you could only give one piece of advice to your fans,what would it be?

One piece of advice I always stick by is: Write for YOU. Don't get caught up in the popularity contest that Wattpad is most of the time. Just write about what you love and what you would want to see on bookshelves. Also, write and write and write some more. Then also read a bunch. I think you can always learn from yourself and other authors.

18}Where do you get all of your creative ideas from?

I get them randomly! Whether it's from listening to a certain song or seeing something broadcasted on tv. Like the idea for Bullet came from the fact that so many school shootings were happening from all over the US. But the idea for Shrapnel randomly came into mind when I was in my writing class the other day.

19}Who or what inspired you to write?

Sarah Dessen and authors like here. I would read so many romance novels (because they were my favorite) and I really wanted to try my own hand at it. I've loved writing ever since.

20}Lastly,if you were stuck on a desert island,what would be the two things you would bring?

Ah this is a hard question! I think one would be my phone (even if there's not service) because I have most of my music on it. Then maybe Forget You by Jennifer Echols because I adore that story and could read it over and over.

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