Interviews 101

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Interview  Questions.

1} Why did you decide to join wattpad?

2}Would you consider yourself a well-known author?Why/why not?

3}What do you most like to be called by people on wattpad? (Fans, friends e.t.c.)

4} What is your favourite thing about wattpad?

5}How do you think you have become so successful?

6}What is your favourite food?

7}What’s your favourite drink?

8}What’s your favourite movie?

9}Who is your role-model?

10}Which of your stories(if you have more than one),is the most successful in your eyes?

11}Who is your favourite celebrity?

12}Your favourite tv show?

13}Are you friends with any other successful authors on wattpad?

14}What’s your favourite song?

15}Do you think you have a good fanbase?Why?

16}If you had to make up a group name for your fans,what would it be? (eg. One Direction~Directioners,Justin Bieber~ Beliebers)

17}If you could only give one piece of advice to your fans that want to be as successful as you,what would it be?

18}Where do you get all of your creative ideas from?

19}Who or what inspired you to write?

20}Lastly,if you were stuck on a desert island,what would be the two things you would bring?

Hi!Anyone interested in taking part,please PM me.I can't wait to get this show up and running!

Aoife x

Interviews 101Where stories live. Discover now