5. angellover254

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I'm pleased to announce that interview five is with the amazing angellover254.Hope you guys likey(:

1} Why did you decide to join wattpad?

When I was on fictionpress, one of my favorite writers said she was moving to Wattpad, and I decided to check it out. At first I only read stories, but then in the end I decided to start posting my stories I had on fictionpress up as well.

2}Would you consider yourself a well-known author?Why/why not?

No, I do not. I won’t consider myself a well known author until I actually publish a story of mine, and it becomes a best seller.

3}What do you most like to be called by people on wattpad? (Fans, friends e.t.c.)


4} What is your favourite thing about wattpad?

Hearing your comments on my stories :)

5}How do you think you have become so successful?

Luck lol

6}What is your favourite food?


7}What’s your favourite drink?


8}What’s your favourite movie?

She’s the Man

9}Who is your role-model?

John Green <3

10}Which of your stories(if you have more than one),is the most successful in your eyes?

Facebook Crush?

11}Who is your favourite celebrity?


12}Your favourite tv show?

Shark tank, The Voice, or Catfish

13}Are you friends with any other successful authors on wattpad?

I wouldn’t say we’re super close, but I talk to Monica4242, and LaurenJ.

*question 13. It's LaurenJ22 lol

14}What’s your favourite song?

That’s a hard one… I love a lot of songs!

15}Do you think you have a good fanbase?Why?

I think I do :) You guys are always there supporting me :)

16}If you had to make up a group name for your fans,what would it be? (eg. One Direction~Directioners,Justin Bieber~ Beliebers)


17}If you could only give one piece of advice to your fans that want to be as successful as you,what would it be?

Write what you love to read :)

18}Where do you get all of your creative ideas from?

Mostly from the things around me xD It helps when I’m bored :P

19}Who or what inspired you to write?

Boredom and art.

20}Lastly,if you were stuck on a desert island,what would be the two things you would bring?

My cell phone, and a boat to get off of the island.

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