Chapter 4

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Hiccup's POV

We enter a dark cave with dim light coming from some dragons who opened their mouths with lit fire, " please, can you understand me?!" I asked the dragons, and they only looked at each other and me quizzically " my friend has a broken wing, he can't get out of there, he'll drown!" I pleaded

An owl-like dragon I've never seen before stalked towards me, but it wasn't aggressive, nor was it threatening, it was just curiously sniffing me, "h-hey uhh, can you understand me?" I asked, nervously while backing up to the wall, it stopped approaching and looked at me quizzically

"we always understand you, human" it said, staring at me unnervingly, " o-ok, ughhh, my friend, the night flyer, he's in the water, he can't fly, his wing is injured and he'll drown if he's left there" I said, pressing myself as hard as I could to the wall in an effort to put some space between us

The dragon looked surprised that I answered it, obviously because humans can't understand dragons, but it turned and signaled something to the other dragons because I was once again, picked up and carried to one of the tunnels in the cave, I kept trying to get the dragon's attention in an attempt to communicate, but it wasn't responding, we flew through countless twist and turns until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel

It was magnificent, dragons everywhere, spiraling up to their nest, the different shapes, sizes, and colors creates a beautiful masterpiece, painting harmony and peace

I gaped at the sight before finally noticing the biggest dragon I have ever seen, it was sitting on the middle of the nest, with some baby dragons playing around it

It's eyes opened when we got close enough, and I suddenly felt light headed, as if it's presence is affecting my mind other than fear, the dragon dropped me in front of it, I held my head and after a moment the light headedness faded

It rose to its feet, and turned to look at me, it's eyes a piercing blue, " hello, you feel different" was the first thing it said to me, it's voice was deep and commanding, fitting for the king of the nest "u-um, I don't know what that means, exactly?" I said, chuckling nervously

It blew a cold breath at me, which is surprising because the ice around doesn't even make me feel chilly, " you are a different human" it said again, and again it didn't make sense, I decided to shake it off and ask about Toothless again, "uh, I have a friend that might be in dange-" I was about to inform him when I felt at tug, I was confused so I turned around, no dragons have gotten near me, their just keeping their distance while they observe me, I tried to ignore it but the invisible tug got more extensive and I saw a black thing on my peripheral, the same thing that helped guide me to Toothless in the forest back at berk, it didn't stop until I saw a black mass in the claws of the owl-like dragon

"Toothless!" I yelled running over, the owl-like dragon dropped him in near the big white dragon, I worriedly held his head while hes spitting out some water and nudging at my stomach, I gave him comfort scratches before I noticed that the dragons are watching us, having that many eyes on you will be unnerving for anyone, so I cleared my throat trying to shush Tootless' growling

I started backing away from the big white dragon,
" so umm, sorry to bother all of you, we have to get back to our Island....can you perhaps tell us where we are?" I asked awkwardly, stopping in my pathetic retreat attempted when I realized that Toothless is still injured and we have no idea where we are

The big white dragon snorted, as if amused, " young night flyer, that mark on your wing, the king and the shadow, do you know what they mean?" it said to Toothless, Toothless just huffed and curled his tail protectively around me, since he's not responding I did it for him
"uh, we don't really know what it means, all we do know is that its-ow!" Toothless hit me on the head with his tail again, "what?!" , " your an idiot, didn't I tell you that everyone will be looking?, you can't tell this nest-king, we don't know him" he growled out and curled his tail again, I can't really argue his logic, stranger danger and all

The big white dragon made a weird noise, a noise that came from the back of their throat, it almost sounds like he was ... laughing?
Once it was finished 'laughing', he looked at me, "so you have the mark too, young human?" it asked, "um, noooo..?" I tried to lie but I never was the best at it, Toothless looked at me in disbelief, as if he can't believe that just came out on my mouth, and honestly, I wouldn't blame him

The big white dragon laughed again, "so you do, I find it quite peculiar that a human would have the marks, but it would make sense of why your 'shadow' would be protective of you" but then the mirth was suddenly gone from his eyes, what was in it was pity, for what?

"you know about the meaning of the marks? like what are we suppose to do with it?" I asked because right now, we will need all the information we can get
" I have been here, waiting for the marks for a thousand cycles, so that I can assist you in your endeavour" he said, apprehension obvious in his tone

"what is our endeavor?" I asked
"that I do not know, what I do know, is how to help you use the shadows to get back to where you were" it said, I turned to Toothless, my supposed shadow in confusion, "what even is shadows?" I asked

"your shadow, that is protecting you now, is tangible, it is the young dragon beside you, but look around, shadows on every corner in this nest, as long as there is darkness, you have power, but beware, too much and your 'shadow'might controlled you" it said, and a sense of foreboding came over me, and apparently Toothless felt it too, because he growled and hunched on his knees

" well, that wing of yours youngling, must be treated, so we must send you on your way, young human, focus on the place you were before and since you don't know how to summon, walk towards that shade over there, sit there and let the shadow swallow you, remember to come back to learn more"
it said, then it turned away, back into the water, the other dragons seem to get the idea as they too started ignoring us

I turned to Toothless and shrugged, " that make sense to you?" , "not a clue"

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