Chapter 23

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Hiccup was walking back to the great hall alone. Alhan said that he didn't want to go to back if Svik was still there. When Hiccup entered the building he saw Svik talking and talking and talking and to Hiccup's surprise the teens looked like they were actually enjoying Svik's company. Hiccup dismissed the thought, they were probably just acting. 

"hey Svik, you wanted to talk to me about something?" Hiccup asked and the teens, all of which looked very disgruntled once they realized that they were enjoying Svik's company of all people. Svik took the interruption with ease and flashed Hiccup a smile, "oh, that's right! Sorry guys, the rest of the story will have to wait, I need to discuss something with Hiccup" Svik said to the teens who just nodded and said that they will go back to their work. The teens left the table and Hiccup was about to sit so that he and Svik could talk but Svik said "actually, could we talk at a more private space?" , Hiccup was suspicious but he agreed. 

Hiccup brought them to his house, his dad was still in the village doing chief things so they were alone. Hiccup sat on one of the chairs around the table and Svik did the same, "so what did you want to talk about?" Hiccup said, not bothering to beat around the bush, more time spent with Svik is more time wasted in Hiccup's eyes, although he cannot deny that he is a little curious about what Svik could want. "I couldn't help but notice that you still spent time with Alhan after my warning to you" Svik said, his words and expression was masked under concern though the words he used could be mistaken for threats or they could be threats. 

Hiccup needed to be smart right now, if he has any chance of using Alhan as a spy he could not have Svik being suspicious before he even has the information that he wants. "yes, I know you said that he's no good but I can't help but think that if I can show him the error of his ways he could stop being a nuisance for you all" Hiccup said, playing up the 'concerned ally' façade. Svik didn't seem to catch on to the lie and simply laughed, "my friend, I have been trying to do that for years and he still wouldn't stop" Svik said, it actually seems as he is exasperated, Hiccup couldn't help the flash of pity for him, it must be hard to have a potential usurper. 

"thank you for your help, Hiccup, but you don't need to do this, we can take are of our own" Svik said, placing a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. Hiccup decided to listen to him, Svik isn't actually that bad, he could listen to his words. 


After Hiccup's words with Svik, they parted. After all, Hiccup has a fleet to restore. As Hiccup was walking he saw Alhan making his way to him, suddenly a sharp sting of pain went though Hiccups head, he wanted to cradle his head but he resisted the urge. Instead, Hiccup put a smile on his face and greeted Alhan after discreetly searching for Svik in the vicinity, after all he said that he should not associate himself with Alhan and he wanted to honor his friend's words. 



Since when did he think that Svik was his friend? The head ache worsened-bangBanBANG- "Hiccup are you ok?" Alhan's concerned voice pierced through veil of pain rattling around Hiccup's mind. He forcefully pulled himself together, "Yeah, Alhan, how are you?" Hiccup said, holding back winces as white noise filled his ears, to his relief, the ringing quickly subsided and the headache lessened somewhat. 

"um, fine" Alhan said, still concerned but willing to change the subject, Alhan was never one to push, "I was going to ask what you had in mind, you know, the thing we talked about in the woods" he continued, ones again shifting from foot to foot. Hiccup recalled the conversation they had. In the woods, Hiccup said that he would help Alhan discreetly assist his tribe. Svik doesn't need to know who is helping his citizens and Hiccup doubts that he would care after all, this gives him clear avenue to take credit for the good deeds that Hiccup has in mind. 

"Let's not talk here, tonight I want to take you to my friends and I's secret meeting place" Hiccup whispered, he doesn't necessarily need to show Alhan his cove but a little show of good will could go a long way. Just as Hiccup predicted, Alhan looked thrilled, a delighted flush appeared on his cheeks, he undoubtedly felt honored that Hiccup trusted him that much.

Hiccup does not trust Alhan but Hiccup needed Alhan to trust him. Alhan would never agree to becoming a knowing spy, he loves his people too much, but an unknowing spy? well, that depends on the questions Hiccup will ask. The right questions worded correctly could trick Alhan into thinking that Hiccup is simply concerned for his allies when really he is gathering intel, and when Alhan thinks it will help his people, he will spill everything. 

A flash of guilt went through Hiccup, he shouldn't be taking advantage of someone's love-bangBanBANG- The guilt went away just as his headache worsened once again. 


Hiccup didn't go to the docks when he parted with Alhan with a promise to meet up at dinner time. Hiccup went to the cove. Hiccup very nearly collapsed the moment he entered the cove. The headache, the ringing-bangBanBANG- its all unbearable. Toothless was there, crooning and growling in concern, he thinks Toothless was saying something but noises downed them out. Next think he knew, he was in his garden and the sight made his heart skip a beat. 

The corruption spread, it multiplied and the darkness took almost half a quarter of the garden. The dark door was rattling and shaking, screams were muffled but heard through the door. He thought he had more time. His ears were still ringing, Toothless' roars were still muffled, it was like he was drowning. Toothless managed to open the light door and they were at the nest. Hiccup could breathe again. As he took wheezing breaths he saw the grimness that was on the bewilderbeast's face.  

"we need to talk, little king"

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