4 | Dodging Bullets

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"People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for."

Harper Lee

HE REALLY WAS quite tall.

This isn't as bad as you think it is, I told myself with the air of a convict heading to its execution. Sure, you're putting his social position at risk here, but clearly he's just doing it out of a sense of obligation to your brother. Surely he isn't quietly loathing the sight of you, wondering how he can quickly lose you before having to enter the classroom with you at his side. Yeah, this will totally make him think your existence is the bane of his, but when you think about it, now you have a murder to plot and you can put it into effect the moment you see that clueless, exasperating boy you call your twin. You'll spend your life in prison but at least you'll never have to live through this moment again...

Not that it wouldn't haunt me forever.

It was haunting me now and it wasn't even over yet. I was so humiliated I could have cried.

He'd started to walk about two seconds after the bell rang. He hadn't looked at me and I didn't know what else to do but follow.

I should tell him that he doesn't have to walk with me, I thought, but it seemed stupid to say now. He was a few paces ahead and hadn't even checked to see if I was following. I couldn't imagine what he was thinking, aside from the obvious 'what the hell, how did I end up babysitting this chick' which is what would have been going through my mind.

The corridor was distressingly quiet. My footsteps made a dull, tapping sound which echoed, and from behind me I could hear the slams of a few lone locker doors, the scuffling of running feet, and the distant reprimand of an irritated hall monitor.

The dark-haired boy walked fast. I couldn't tell if it was because he was trying to get rid of me or if it was because he was worried about getting to class on time. We were going to be a few minutes late... the thought made my stomach curl.

He reached the classroom first. I was a couple of feet behind. He paused, as if waiting for me, and then he opened the door and walked inside. I followed, my heart jumping around like it wanted to jump clear of my chest.

Mrs. Weber was in the middle of going through her attendance sheet. She paused and looked up at us over the top of her glasses.

"You're three minutes late," she informed us.

I hoped Josh would say something but instead he just started walking to his seat. I felt my face blanch as I registered the titters and murmurs going about the room. I looked for Mark Bradley without meaning to and found him on the far side of the room, just like he was the first day. His eyes were cool and unsmiling but there was a smirk turning up the corners of his mouth.

"Would you take a seat, please," Mrs. Weber said impatiently.

I nodded jerkily and started walking down the aisle towards my seat. Someone stuck a foot out and I stumbled, catching myself on a chair. The girl sitting there glared at me.

"Freak," she said beneath her breath.

"Sorry," I muttered.

I dropped down into my seat with a clatter and another round of titters went through the room. I felt my neck turning red and splotchy and I sunk down into my seat. Mrs. Weber tapped her desk with a clipboard.

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