"Innocent & Meat" (Chapter five)

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Just a quick announcement haha, I'm gonna change how I wrote the story XD

_____= represents your name.


While everyone was busy partying, both you and Natsu talk to each other about random things. Well for Natsu, every time he ask you what's your favorite food, you said Vegetables with this and that; for once he thought you were more like a rabbit who eats only vegetables and nothing else. For him it's weird, but for you it's normal.

"Do you like meat?" Natsu ask.

You stare at him confusingly as you tilted your head at your shoulder.

"What's a meat?" You questioned cutely.

He face palm to himself mentally as he grab the fresh cooked meat from the plate and shove it in front of you.

"This is meat!" He said, you stare at the so-called meat; you touch feeling the thickness.

As you examine the meat, Natsu blush fifty shades of red staring at how you examined the meat. He got enough and suddenly yanking the meat into his mouth eating it whole in one go.

"Its thick, huge, and kinda soft a little" You blurted out.

Everyone gasp as they stare at you weird while some giggles, as for Natsu he choked, coughing loudly as he bump his chest many times holding for dear life.

"_-____, what are you trying to say?!" Lucy asked as her face was now covered in red like a mad woman.

You stared at her and was about to repeat what you've said but she suddenly wrap her hands around your mouth.

"GhLshy?" You mumble under her hands but the words you were trying to say come out wrong.

"Innocent..!" Everyone said in chorus as they all laughed.

"_-____, I never thought that you'd be so far innocent like a 5 year old kid!" Gray said laughing.

"Haha she doesn't even know what she was talking about" Erza commented between giggles.

Lucy unfolded her hands from your mouth.

"Well, I was just examining the meat that Natsu showed to me" You said and this time everyone paled even the master choke out his cold beer.

Erza stare at Natsu, sending him into the corner shivering. Trying to clear the misunderstanding but ended up with a huge bump on his head.

"Natsu what did you do to _____!" Lucy ask, dark aura surrounds her glaring daggers at Natsu.

"Nothing I just ask her if she wanted to eat the meat I've given her!" Natsu defend but to his dismay, Erza's and Lucy's aura grew larger and larger.

"What did you just say!!!!!"



After the two woman painfully teach Natsu a lesson; they sited besides you hugging you suddenly.

"____, don't listen to Natsu at everything he says" Erza said.

"Yeah, he's a huge pervert"

You stared at them confused and ask.

"Why is Natsu a pervert? I was just examining his meat. This meat" You said emphasizing the word This as you took the meat from the plate.

Erza and Lucy stared at the meat for a while then at Natsu's limped body on the corner.

Erza cough and stood up from the stools.


"The two of you should listen to what i've said first before killing me" Natsu said and passed out, unconscious.

You and Lucy ran towards Natsus unconscious body, while Erza lean in and shake Natsu rapidly. Natsu paled even more.

"Hey put yourself together!" Erza shouts in Natsus ears.

Everyone laughed, as they enjoy the comedy scene in front of them.

"This should be the greatest year that we have ____ around" Mira said as Master nods staring happily at his new family member.


To be continue folks!

See you on the next upcoming part!

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