Chapter 3

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 The dedication is because you were the first person to show any interest in the story. Thanks :)


Corey didn't meet me at break time. I guessed he was still mad at me so I didn't bother looking for him. Instead I settled on a bench at the end of the feild. Maybe I shouldn't have snapped at him so much. I allowed my mind to wander until the bell sounded, condemning me to another two long, boring hours of lessons. I checked my planner. Double P.E. Oh no...

When I arrived at the girls' changing rooms someone grabbed hold of my wrist and spun me around. My back was slammed against the wall and someone clamped their hand over my mouth.

"It's just me. Don't bloody scream." Corey mumbled. I opened my eyes to glare at him.

"I thought you weren't talking to me." I growled. He shrugged.

"I give up. It's impossible to stay mad at you." He admitted.

"How?" I demanded. He grinned at me.

"Because you can stay mad longer." He mumbled. "And if I annoy you too much you'll hit me."

"I should hit you anyway for throwing me against the wall." I grumbled. "Can we go to lesson now?"

"Fancy missing a couple lessons?" He asked quietly. I began to feel unerved by how close he was getting. I simply shook my head, pushing him away and opening the door to the girls' changing room. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back.

"Wait." He mumbled.

"But I'm gonna be late."

"Just a little longer." Corey almost begged. I turned around to face him, folding my arms over my chest.

"What do you want?" I found myself pressed against the wall again and he leaned against me. "Corey! What are you-" My protests were muffled when he pressed his lips against mine. For a moment I didn't respond, my brain unable to process what he was doing. When I finally realised what was happening I did the only thing I could think of.

Corey groaned in pain as I brought my knee up.

"What the hell was that for?" He grumbled.

"If you touch me again I'll kill you!" I screamed at him. He blinked at me in bewilderment.

"I thought you were enjoying it." He mumbled. I stalked into the girls' changing room without another word, leaving him to stare after me like an idiot. I changed quickly into my P.E outfit. The school's sports uniform was discusting. It consisted of dark blue shorts and a bright pink shirt, though the boys wore blue shirts. The changing room was completely deserted, reminding me that I was late. I almost ran into the gym, slowing to a casual walk as I got through the door. I tried to slip behind the several lines of pupils who were listening to the teacher. He was explaining the rules of badminton. Perfect. Badminton was my favourite sport.

"Don't think I didn't see you sneaking in ten minutes late." My gym teacher, Mr Jhonson called. I sighed and mumbled a quiet apology, releif washing over me when he went back to his explanation. Out of the corner of my eye I saw corey open the door of the gym.

"Sorry I'm late sir." He murmured. He looked upset. Mr Jhonson just nodded. We went to collect our badminton raquets. Corey reached for my wrist. "Lena wait a minute." He whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Just leave me alone."

I grabbed a shuttle from the basket and looked around for a partner. Usually corey and I would partner up but I refused to even look at him. After a moment of looking around I noticed a tall, muscular figure leaning against the wall of the gym. I folded my arms over my chest and glared pointedly at him.

Mr michaels just smirked and pushed himself away from the wall, ambling towards me at a leisurely pace.

"Are you stalking me or something?" I demanded. He chuckled.

"Why would I do that?" He replied. I shrugged.

"I don't know but it's getting creepy." I mumbled. "So what are you doing here anyway?"

"I have a free period so I thought I'd see how you were getting along." He told me.

"So you are stalking me?" I raised my eyebrows and he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.

 "You need a partner?" He picked up a raquet.

"You best be good at this." I grumbled quietly as we took up positions on the court. Mr Jhonson blew the whistle, signalling the start of the first match. There were several courts marked out inside the huge gym and we were in the centre.

Mr michaels was surprisingly good at badminton. In fact he was amazing.

"You're not half bad." I mumbled at the end of our fith match. He was breathing heavily and his hair was slightly discheveled but he still managed to look hot. Whoa did I seriously just say that? He chuckled quietly.

"You're pretty good yourself." He replied. It was our turn to sit out so we threw ourselves down on a nearby bench. I couldn't stop my eyes from straying over to corey. He'd long ago taken his shirt off and was showing off for mindy mathews, the class whore. She giggled as he blasted the shuttle over the net. When he caught my eye he stopped, running a hand through his dark blonde hair. It was gelled carefully into little spikes that I'd always thought looked rediculous. His opponent, a tall kid that I never bothered to remember the name of, scored a point and called for the shuttle to be thrown back but corey ignored him. He smiled at me but I just turned away, fixing my eyes stubbornly on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Mr michaels asked. I just shrugged, bringing my knees up to my chest and letting my head fall forward. He lay a hand on my shoulder in a feeble attempt to comfort me but I flinched away. Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them back. I wasn't going to let corey see me cry. I falt rether than saw mr michaels move closer to me. He stopped when we were almose touching. "Lena I saw what he did before the lesson." He whispered. My head snapped up and I wipped the tears from my eyes.

"Y-you did?" I mumbled. He nodded seriously.

"I was on my way to the staff room for my free period when I saw you. At first I thought you were actually together but when you forced him off you and ran away I decided to come and see if you were okay." He admitted. It felt oddly comforting to know that he cared enough to check on me.

"Thanks." I whispered. He patted my shoulder as the bell went.

"I need to go." He murmured. "If you need anything you know where to find me."

I nodded as he stood up.

When mr michaels was gone I heard footsteps approach me.

"Get lost corey." I mumbled.

"I told you he had a thing for you." He hissed bitterly. "He couldn't stop touching you."

"You know what? I don't care!" I screamed at him. "Just leave me alone!"

He took a step back so that he was out of range if I decided to swing my fist at him.

"Calm down lena." He soothed, raising his hands in surrender. "Come on. I don't want to fight with you." He opened his arms for me, offering the comfort and reassurance that I needed. I shook my head slowly.

"Me either." I whispered. "So if you don't want a fight I suggest you keep away from me." I threatened darkly. His hopeful expression dropped and he looked hurt.

"Fine." He mumbled, defeated. I sat back on the bench, refusing to move until the lesson was over. When it was I stumbled into the changing room and dressed quickly.

At lunch I sat alone, far from anyone else. It was cold on the school feild but I'd forgotten my jacket. I curled up, feeling uncomfortable and lonely. After another ten minutes I scrambled to my feet and went inside. I went to the only place I liked being when I felt angry. The music room. When I opened the door I was surprised when I realised that someone was already there.


So what does she see? Sorry I took so long. I really haven't had time.

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