chapter 2

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I sat there, staring at the floor and sucking on a mint. I'd always loved mints. It was about half an hour before Mr michaels came back to check on me.

"How are you feeling?" He murmured. I shrugged.

"Better I guess. Should I come back in now?"

"You can stay here if you like." He mumbled. I nodded and handed him the remaining mints. I'd only eaten three.

"Keep them." He told me.

"Don't be silly. I can't." I told him, forcing them into his hand. He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"I'll come and check on you in a bit." He mumbled. I nodded and he turned back towards the classroom. I sat back and stared at the blank screen of the computer. It was boring but there wasn't exactly much else to do.

Close to the end of the lesson my best friend, Corey, stepped out of the classroom. He pulled up a chair next to mine and threw his arm lazily over my shoulders.

"How're you feeling?" He murmured. I leaned on him, closing my eyes.

"A little better." I mumbled. "Sir gave me some mints to get rid of my headache."

He snorted rudely.

"Mr michaels is a douche." He growled. I pushed him gently.

"He's alright. I think he's nice." I protested.

"Well I think he has a thing for you." He grumbled. My brow furrowed in confusion. "He fancies you." He almost shouted. I shook my head rapidly.

"Corey he's a teacher." I hissed. "And don't say that so loud."

"Who's gonna hear me?" He scoffed.

"Me for instance?" We looked up to see mr michaels standing in front of us. He looked furious. "Corey get back in the classroom." He ordered. Corey just laughed.

"Make me!" He challenged. I smacked him on the back of the head.

"Stop being such a dick." I told him. "Do as you're told."

He glared at me but he stood up slowly, stalking back into the classroom. "Sorry about him." I mumbled. Mr michaels shrugged.

"At least he listens to someone." He grumbled. I give him a small smile.

"We've known each other since we were five so he knows not to cross me."

He chuckled when I said that and rolled his eyes.

"I don't blame him." He mumbled.

Just then the bell chimed, signalling the end of lesson. Mr michaels smiled and nodded at me, letting me know I could leave. When the class spilled out of the room he put a hand out to stop corey.

"You have fifteen minutes after school with me." He told him. Corey scoffed.

"No I fucking don't." He growled.

"Do you want me to make it half an hour?" Mr michaels almost yelled. He looked as though his patience was about to snap.

"Don't worry Mr michaels. I'll make sure he gets there." I promised him. Corey glared and opened his mouth, probably to tell me to piss off, but I shut him up with one look. "You're going. Got it?" I almost growled. He nodded reluctantly. We walked together in silence to our next lesson. We had to sit together.

"What the hell Lena?" He hissed when we sat down. I just ignored him as he continued to tell me off. "You completely embarrassed me in front of him. That isn't like you." He was saying. "Honestly. I'm starting to think you fancy him as well."

I punched him in the arm.

"Don't be so stupid." I snapped. "He's the first teacher in this school that's been nice to me." I grumbled. He looked away from me angrily. I knew I'd upset him but at the time I didn't care. We didn't talk for the rest of the lesson.

During registration. I sat alone as usual, trying to keep away from the rest of the group. The door opened and I winced, waiting for our form tutor to scream at us to be quiet. But to my immense surprise she didn't. I looked up to see mr michaels at the door. He smiled and came straight to my desk.

"Your form tutor's in hospital." He told me. "So I'm taking over for a while."

I sighed with releif and he chuckled quietly. "What's wrong? Don't you like her?" He guessed. I shook my head a little, keeping my eyes on the desk. He laughed again and leaned forwards to whisper.

"I don't blame you." He murmured. I couldn't help but giggle.

"I never thought I'd hear a teacher say that." I mumbled. He just shrugged and sat on the edge of the desk.

"I'm not any ordinary teacher." He reminded me. I gave him a small smile and leaned back in my chair. He definately wasn't any ordinary teacher.

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