A Duet

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So something about popularity from an expert : totally over-rated. Everyone in the school liked me. Finn Hudson wanted to date me (though I turned him down) and I had Santana and Brittany as my best friends. So why do I feel horrible inside?

Because I don't like the new Quinn. I don't like who I am anymore. What was popularity if I didn't have the two people I cared most about? Sam and Rachel hated me now. And it was all my fault.

"Hey, Q? You alright?"

I turn to see Santana and Brittany facing me, their faces full of concern. I take a deep breath, mentally slapping myself. I couldn't wallow in self-pity forever. If I couldn't have my old life back, I'd just have to make do with my new one. "Of course!" I exclaim, plastering a smile on my face. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Of course," Santana echoes, grinning. "Come on, Q, let's go to Glee rehearsal."

I had gotten Santana, Brittany, Finn, and a couple other football players to join the Glee Club. We needed more members to qualify in competition, plus Santana said it would be the perfect way to keep Rachel in her place. We take our seats in the back, next to Finn and his friends. I will myself not to look at Sam and Rachel, in the front on opposite sides. If I could just talk to them, explain that I regret it all --

"Hey, guys!" Mr. Shue's arrival interupts my inner babbling. He goes to the white board, writing Sectionals in black ink. "They're getting closer."

Rachel nods, and my gaze falls on her resentfully. "Yes, as usual you and I are on the same page, Mr. Shue. I have already been practicing my solo."

The whole classroom groans, but Mr. Shue just smiles. "Actually, Rachel, I was going in a differnt direction. I thought Sam and Quinn could have a duet."

I feel heat rise to my face, and I look at where Sam sits, tensed. "I'm not sure about that," I say, my voice small.

"Don't be modest, Quinn!" I hear Sam snort at Mr. Shue's words and my heart sinks. "You two sound great together!"

"Really?" Rachel exclaims. I can practically see her trembling with fury. "Ken and Barbie?"

"Shut it, Dwarf," Santana snaps. She then nudges me with her elbow.

I take a deep breath. Santana and Brittany were all I had now, I needed to do what I could to keep them. "Stubbles, you need to keep that trap shut. You're just embarrassing yourself." Each word I utter pains me like a knife. "Face it, you're self-centered and conceited and everyone hates you. And you're not as good as you think you are."

"That's enough," Mr. Shue says warily. "Rachel, Quinn and Sam are singing a duet, and that's that."

With an airy huff, Rachel gets up and stalks out of the room, with Santana calling, "Don't come back, Hobbit!"

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