The Betrayal

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So this is my attempt at this after not writing for so long. It's kinda short, sorry. Hope you might possibly maybe like it. Haha. By the way I love commentary and your guys' ideas about where the story could go. :) And I never got to thank you guys for all your comments and compliments in my leave of absence. So thanks. :D

The next day I walk to English in my Cheerios Uniform and sit down with a huff, waiting for Sam to get here. I hear a “Quinn?” behind me, but it's not Sam's voice. I turn and see Joe, the new kid who was at my party. “Quinn Fabray, right?” he asks hesitantly.

I smile reassuringly. “Yeah, it's me, nice to see you again. Are you in this class now?”

He nods. “Yeah. Do you know where I should sit?”

I ponder this, then get a brilliant idea. “Right there,” I suggest, gesturing to the seat next to me – the one usually filled by Sam.

He sits down just as Sam walks in. Sam tries to make eye contact with me, but I pointedly turn away. Santana and Brittany take their seats and smile at Joe – they also don't look at Sam. I get a pain when I see Rachel walk in and sit on the opposite side of the room. English seems to go on forever as I force myself not to look at either Rachel or Sam.

When the bell rings I practically run out of the class. I hear “Quinn?” again, but this time it is Sam's voice. I don't acknowledge it. He'd have to have a serious explanation about Friday to get me to talk to him.

As I get my books out of my locker, I see Rachel walking up to me. “Hey!” I say hopefully.

No such luck – she doesn't smile back. “I was just wondering if you'd looked at the Glee Club list on Friday.”

“Oh, no, I totally forgot. Did you?”

Rachel nods. “I made it. So did you. Actually, I think everyone did.”

Tough club to get in to, I think. “Do we have rehearsal today?” She nods again. “Listen, Rach, I –“

“We're team mates, Quinn. Nothing more. You ruined our friendship.”

I stare at her in disbelief. “And in how many days did I manage to do this?”

She sighs. “You've got new best friends – who you spend every waking moment with now. There's just no room for me. Don't worry – I'm over it.” And before I can say anything, she turns on her heel and stalks away.

“Don't worry about it, Q,” Santana says as she and Brittany come up to me. “You know, I heard she's been talking about you.”

I whip around to face her. “What? To who? What is she saying?”

“She's been spreading it around that you're a two-faced bitch with no heart, and that you used to be fat.”

My face gets red in a mix of embarrassment and anger. “What the hell!” I exclaim. “So that whole thing at the party – she really didn't want to make things right did she? What the hell!” I repeat.

“I say you get her back,” Santana says.

“What do you mean?”

“You have to embarrass her back. In front of the whole school – at lunch.” Brittany nods vigorously.

“I don't know... what should I say?”

And as we walk down to class, Santana and Brittany give me insults to throw at Rachel at lunch. Can I really do this? Can I humiliate the girl that a week ago I called my best and only friend?

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