New town

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"Hurry up, Nicole! We're going to miss our flight!" Came my mother's sharp call. With a angry growl, I threw my bags -there were several- into the back of our red Jeep.

Stalking around to the front, I opened the passenger seat door and hopped into the car, slamming it behind me. My face was set in a vicious snarl, gritting my teeth as I forced myself not to break something.

"Nicole, don't be like this." My mother pleaded, pushing a lock of curly brown hair from her face. I was so pissed right now, so I just turned and stared out the window. I mean, why did we have to move to be with her stupid mate anyway? My mom had found her true mate when he was on vacation here in California. Now we, well I was, being forced to move to McMinnville, Oregon just so they could be together! It was such bullshit.

"Look, I know you aren't to happy about having to move, and leave your friends and school behind, but trust me! This will be an excellent experience for the both of us." My mom said softly. But I wasn't having any of her fucking condolences. So I just snapped.

"What friends, mom?!" I shouted at her, seething. "I was just stuck in some deadbeat town with my mom doing a half-assed job of raising me!" I growled loudly. I didn't even have to turn to feel her shocked devastation at my words. But I really couldn't care right now.

"Look, I'm sorry you think I'm such a terrible mother. But we have to go or we'll miss our flight. So stop trying to make me feel like I'm the bad guy and shut the hell up." I could practically feel the verbal bitch slap she just gave me. Despite my anger, I could help but submit.

'She's pissed.' My wolf, Alana, whimpered. I could see her cowering in my mind, tail tucked between her legs in submission.

'Fucking wimp.' I growled at her, but even I was shaking a bit from her tone. I had never known an Alpha's rule, but damn! My mom was terrifying when she wanted. I bet she'd make a wonderful Luna. When she actually bothered to care, that is.

"Whatever." I growled, scowling deeply as I turned to look out the window. 'Bye, San Diego.' I thought with a morbid frown. I'd grown up here, in this city. Sure I wouldn't miss the annoying traffic or the shouting people, but I would miss my school. Believe it or not, I was one of those faggots who loved school. Since I really had no friends, being the only werewolf in town, I indulged myself in school.

And now my mom was dragging me away from my roots here, to live with some prick she's met maybe four times. It repulsed me.

My attention was snatched away from my angry thoughts when I heard the radio turn on with a click. I perked up immediately, it was my favorite song. Viva La Vida by Coldplay! I could barely resist the urge to come out of my mood and launch myself into the song. But I didn't, I couldn't.

Tossing a lock of dark brunette hair over my shoulder, I sent my mom an icy blue-eyed glare. Here was to show her she couldn't bribe me with my favorite music. With a low growl, I turned ahead again, completely ignoring my mother's attempts at conversation.

The rest of the car ride was spend in an awkward silence. Every few minutes my mom would attempt to talk to me, but I either shot her down immediately or turned up the radio. To say the least, it got her to shut up. I really was in no mood for her bullshit. Alana could sense my mood, because she stayed quiet apart from small, polite conversation every now and then. And, much to my relief, she left the topic of my mom alone completely.

I seemed to have dozed off, because I was jolted awake by my mother's voice.

"Nicole, wake up honey. We're here." Came her soft voice. I could tell that she was treating me like a wild animal, making slow and small movements, and keeping her voice low to avoid provocation of the beast. Gritting my teeth, I looked up scornfully at the airport.

'You are the scourge of my existence.' I thought to the building, not feeling foolish in the least when I felt Alana giving me a strange look.

Getting out of the car and slamming the car door, I quickly retrieved my bags from the back. Huffing, I stacked the bags on a cart, hands on my hips as I watched my mom do the same.

"Can we just hurry, please?" I growled impatiently, tapping my foot on the ground. My mom cast me a fleeting glance before nodding silently and pushing the large cart into the airport.

About an hour later, we were sitting in the plane, first class, surprisingly enough. Apparently werewolves in Oregon are rich. Good enough for me. Watching the clouds fly by as I stared out the window, I frowned. Sighing to myself, I leaned my head back against the plush headrest before allowing my eyelids droop. Finally I succumbed to sleep.


Please vote, comment, and share! Sorry it's so short! I honestly hope you like this first chapter. Sorry it took so long, I'll have the next chapter up by next Friday!

The next chapter is when things will get interesting, Nicole and her mom will arrive in McMinnville, etc.

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