'The smashing'

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I feel like I start every chapter with me sitting in class.
So sorry about that, but guess what...
I happen to currently be sitting in class!

Kind of have to actually, have no choice about it, as I'm reminded every single hour of every single day.

I just can't help but stare out the window, my eyes scanning the field. Eyes that should be scanning the text in my workbook but I just can't help it.

I have this burning desire to just run beyond the dry school field, beyond this place.

I want to get away, and a road trip, maybe with Bea sounds like heaven on earth right now.

The bell screams indicating lunch, and like usual Im one of the first to shoot out of the door.

I begin whizzing down the hallway at the speed of light... which is ironic really considering the thing I ended up walking right smack bam into was a blinding light!

A big round torch made up out of glass? The randomest thing I've ever seen, but holy mary did it hurt.

All I can really remember is a big "SMASH" along with the pieces of glass shattering in all different directions. But In that moment I just knew that there was already multiple chunks pierced in my leg.

Jolts of pain shoot through and up my leg, struggling to stay standing upright, my mind starts to boggle and I begin to feel light headed.

"Lola!" I hear a distinctive tone yelling out across the hall, Bea's tone, echoing slightly, in distress.

Then right after this moment I cannot pick out anything else.


I come to later on that day I'm guessing, appearing to be in the nurses bay, laying in the yellow and itchy bed.

I use my elbows to slowly pull myself up, feeling fine until pain jolts through me, forcing me back down.

There are multiple deep wounds in my thighs, I count around four and a half maybe if you count the slightly scraped one.

"Ah what have I done." I sigh resting my head in the pillow, not actually intending to say that out loud.

A few minutes later I decide that I want to see if I can stand up.
I prop myself up using my elbows as support, then pulling the rest of my body up and to the side, before I know it I'm standing up perfectly straight.

Phew I'm fine.

Just some nasty looking cuts, that's all.

Out of pure curiosity I peer out of the dirty window.

I always do this when in the nurses room, peer out of the window, then sprint back to bed as the nurse comes walking over.
I just may not be able to do the sprinting part in this scenario, but hopping will do.

The nurse, the office lady and a very nauseous looking science teacher are in deep conversation by the front desk.

I poke my ear outside the door...

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