Come to me in a dream

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It poured down during the bus ride home.

Emily was talking to me, her mouth moving up and down, eyes widening and closing, but I wasn't listening one bit. I just nodded every now and then, occasionally laughing whenever she stops talking and looks at me, but I feel like I'm in a totally different world.

I was just thinking about Mr. Karter, as you might have guessed. I haven't been able to get him off my mind since gym class this morning. There's something about him, his face, his eyes, something that's so, I don't know... mesmerising I guess.

I don't know why I got so flustered... well, if that's how you could describe my reaction to him.

I get off the bus at my stop, semi-relieved to say good riddance/goodbye to Emily and her fifteen minute long rampage.

Stepping into my garden, the rain drips down my neck and my legs, closing the grey gate behind me I trudge up the steps to the front door, hearing a little four year old shriek as soon as I step in the door.

Sure enough there comes Elz tumbling out of the sunroom, running up for a hug, arms open wide.

"Lolly's home from school!!!" She yells at the top of her lungs to nobody in particular, but I'm pretty sure that the entire neighbourhood now knows that I'm home from school.

I scoop her up, giving her a little squeeze and plop her back down.
"Hi Elz" I say sheepishly, casually heading to my room, still in a bit of a daze, maybe I'm just tired?

As if Elz is listening to my thoughts she asks sounding stressed and concerned, "Is Lolly tired?", following me into my bedroom.

"Yes she is" I say playing along. "Will you tuck her in Elz?" I ask and she nods slowly.

I dump my school bag and shoes next to my drawers, and then slip into my bed.

"Night Lolly, I wuv you" she says so adorably, even kissing my forehead. Bless her.

I pretend to instantly fall asleep as I listen to her crawl out of the room shutting the door behind her.

I laugh to myself, unclasping my bra and unbuttoning my shorts chucking them down on the floor next to me, and pulling the blankets up around my neck and let out a deep sigh of relief and coziness.

I start to feel myself slowly, but surely, drift off into a state of peacefulness...


Im staring out at the most incredible sunset.
An array of orange and yellow streaks the sky.
Looking down I notice that I'm standing on a large concrete block very high up off the ground. A few seconds later I realise out it's actually at the top of a tall mountain and fear washes over me. I'm reassured when I look back up to the sunset in awe, which has only just begun to set.

Suddenly I feel a hand slide around my waist, sending small boosts of electricity through my body as I turn to face to the person.

It's him.
He has a slight smile on his face but isn't looking at me, he's also looking out at the sky, admiring the beautiful contrast of colours mixing in front of us.

The sun glows along his jawline, outlining it's shape perfectly, and I feel his heartbeat softly pressed against my back.

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