A whole new world

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There stood Chloe in the abridged Arcadia Bay, 'this looks just like our junkyard, I don't see any difference', she looked around at her usual hangout space. Walking around she started to see the differences. She saw the memorial on Rachel that other Max and other Chloe had made in her hideout.

A voice stopped her thoughts. "Oh hey girly, what you doing down here at this time eh?".

She turned around and saw it was the other Frank.'he's talking in a Canadian accent...huh interesting'.

"Frank!! Buddy!! What's up? Have you seen Max?" She waved towards him.

Other Frank brushed off the way she talked, "nope but you shouldn't be here, you could get in plenty of trouble".

She started to feel nervous wondering what the other Chloe did to be banned from the junkyard.

She came up with an idea to figure out what the other version of herself did. "So, Frank remind me again why I shouldn't be here".

Other Frank sighed "those drugs must be getting to your brain, you set fire to a car and it exploded here with your friend umm Maxwell...whatever her name was, now go on and get out of here. I don't really want to call the police on you".

Chloe put her hands up in surrender, she already had to deal with the police in her Town. "Alright, I'm leaving...no need to call the forces on me". She left and decided to go by the school, there wasn't any harm in doing that right?

Abridged Blackwell Academy looked the same..."of course it looks the same, it's just another version of our town", she grumbled then went to search Other Max's dorm for clues to where her Max was or if she was actually there.

She had somehow managed to get to the dorms unnoticed by the other versions of her friend's classmates. She walked into the familiar dorm hallway and found Other Max's room. The door had been opened by force, Chloe started feeling fear as she surveyed the area. The area had looked like a tornado hit it, there had been items that were thrown around. 'What happened here?'.

She searched for clues and saw Max's messenger bag laying on Other Max's bed...her Max's messenger bag. She had knew something hella weird was going on here since Max had left alone a room without her messenger bag. She looked around the room more, she was at a lost when she couldn't find anything.

She sat on Other Max's bed putting her hands on her head sighing "Where are you Max?".

She had knew this wouldn't be an one day trip, so she decided to sleep in other Max's room.

Back in Arcadia Bay, Victoria and Kate were waiting by the portal, Kate had sent a silent prayer that Chloe and Max would come back safe. Other Max and other Chloe however, were raising hell after freaking Chloe's parents. They decided to go to the junkyard and wreck stuff.

They didn't encounter Frank. Thank god. They decided after a while that they were bored and went back to the dorms. They knocked on Kate's door which startled Kate and Victoria who were watching Aladdin(Kate's idea).

Opening the door and seeing the other version of her friends, she let them in.

"We're boredddddd", Other Max whined.

Other Chloe looked at the portal door "yeah dog we want to go back to our town, you guys town is boring".

Kate looked at Victoria who just shrugged her shoulders. Neither of them had come up with an idea for this. Neither of the two blondes knew what to do to stop the pair from entering the portal to their universe.

What would other Chloe and other Max like to do?

The two blondes thought together.

Suddenly a light bulb went off in Victoria's head. Their Max had told them about the swimming adventures her and Chloe had.

"Hey! You guys want to go swimming in the school pool?" She shot the idea to them to spare time for their Chloe to find Max.

Victoria somehow managed to get the keys for the pool (Don't question it). Since waiting around was boring her and Kate decided to go swimming as well. There had been news that security guard Madsen had some sort of mental breakdown. All he could utter was "marijuana" and something about it kids brains messing up. Needless to say, he would be taking leave of absence for the next few weeks.

The new security guard was old and looked like he was going to crook any minute. So sneaking in the pool would be a breeze.

This time the brunette and bluenette would be wearing swimsuits instead of their undergarments. The four girls snuck like spies, Other Max almost got them caught because she didn't want Victoria standing next to her. Victoria of course rolled her eyes. She would have to ask other Max about that or other Chloe.

The four reached the pool with success, they saw Mr. Wilson the new security guard sleeping on the job. Victoria snapped a picture of that for later. Old or not, one never sleeps on the job. They all changed in the girls locker room, other Chloe wanted to go to the men's locker room but that idea was vetoed.

They decided to play chicken, Kate would be on Victoria's shoulders and other Max on other Chloe's shoulders. The first round was alright with Kate knocking off other Max. The two blondes cheered victoriously, the other pair called for another round. The blondes looked at the clock, they had some time before checking the portal.

Getting up Victoria's shoulders, Kate highfived her teammate. They knew they would win.

"You're going down Kate!!!" Other Max jeered from the other side.

They called for the round to start, other Chloe with other Max came charging to the other pair. Kate got psyched out by their charging so she screamed and fell into the pool. Victoria silently swore. This time she called for a last round to see who would win.

The two got on their respective teammate, they started jeering at the other team. They got on their teammates shoulders and got ready to play for the win. Suddenly the door opened with Mr. Wilson shouting at them.

"Hey you kids! Get out of here before I call principal wells" the old man pointed his cane at the four girls who looked at him with wide eyes. They all started laughing because they knew that principal wells would either be drunk or sleep. They decided to go along with what the old man  said and decided to leave the pool.

Once they showered and changed, they decided to grab some pizza it had been almost 10 at night. Kate and Victoria were enjoying the other versions of their friends and laughed at their jokes that they made. It may be a couple of days before Chloe would return so maybe they could teach their friends mannerisms to avoid questions. They would start the teaching the next day, after Kate returned from church of course.

Maybe just maybe they liked the other versions of their friends better...this was a good thing right?

Abridged Max (finished) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora