You summoned jason voorhees!(special chapter)

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Chloe, Victoria and Kate all sat in Kate's lair excited to test out Kate's new spell book that she got for Christmas. Today was Friday the 13th, if Max was there she would've told them to wait until another day but she was still stuck in another universe.

"Let's summon a god to tell me how fabulous I am" Victoria suggests.

Chloe and Kate veto that idea.

Kate looks through the book which shows spells mainly about summoning things or people. "Let's pick at random and see who will summon" they all decide to pick a number the highest number would be the page she turns to. 666. (Really tho) the page had Friday the 13th also known as Jason Voorhees.

"I guess we are summoning him" Chloe declares.

Kate looks over to Victoria who shrugs "I guess so, I'll start the spell" she starts the spell and asks them to join hands. They all repeat the words she is saying to repeat. The phrase she says it repeated 6 times.
The end result is a big red smoke storm with nothing to show from the spell.

"Well that was bust! Let's go get food! I'm hungry!" Chloe stands up then waits for them.

"This is all wrong, it was supposed to work...maybe I can a refund on the book" Kate looks down disappointed at the outcome from the storm. A hand is on her shoulder she looks up and sees Victoria looking at her with a small smile.

"Maybe getting food will take your mind off of it. Come on Katie I'm buying" Victoria offers.

"I guess you're right Tori, let's go to two whales" Kate says with chloe out of the door. "Let's go catch up with Chloe" she laughs leading Victoria out the door then closes the door. The two girls catch up with Chloe unaware of the scene about to take place in Kate's room. From the boiling pot in her room, a figure appears in the water then reaches up to grab the sides to get out of the pot. When the figure is out of the pot, he is revealed to be a man with a ski mask on his face and in a jumpsuit and carrying a big machete. Dun dun dun.

Once the trio returns from the two whales diner with Chloe almost getting them kicked out of the diner. Yes just cuz her mom worked there doesn't give her the right to throw things at customers. "Really Chloe? You couldn't let it go" Victoria scolds Chloe. "I'm sorry, if someone talks about my hair then I'm going to fight back"  Chloe defends back throwing her arms in the air.

They reach Kate's room with Kate standing in her hall looking in her room at something.

"What's wrong Katie?" Victoria puts her arm around Kate's shoulder guiding her into her room. When they look in her room, it is trashed, water everywhere and spell books ripped up. "Who would do such a thing? It's going to take forever to replace this stuff" Kate cries. The only book not touched is the new one with the page still on Jason Voorhees.

"Interesting everything is touched but this don't think-nahhh it couldn't be that"Chloe observes before dismissing her comment.

Kate and Victoria look at Chloe then the book, it couldn't be Jason or could it. They start cleaning up the mess the mystery person made and think 'who could've done this?. Their thoughts are stopped when they hear a scream from outside. They all run towards the window and see a big man chasing Dana and Juliet. 'Aww damnit' they thought together. Now they had to figure out a plan to capture Jason and not let him harm anyone.

Chloe's plan:distract then capture in a sack
First, they have to create a diversion to get Jason's attention then they would lead him all to a secluded area then capture him with a sack.

Victoria and Chloe decided to 'fight' being sure to make a lot of noise to get his attention. It works he comes barreling towards them then on cue they signal for Kate to put the sack over his head. Easy job right? Wrong! The sack is too big for Kate to lift up and it gets caught in a nearby tree branch.

Chloe's plan fails.

Next is Victoria's and Kate's plan. It involves both of them Victoria would pretend to be a girl in distress which would guide him to Kate's where Kate would have the reverse spell then send him back to his world.

Victoria got ready then made a scene in the dorm hallway "oh I'm a lonely lllonellyyy girl, I hope no killer comes and finds me then tries to kill me" she starts up again then on cue Jason shows up. "Well took you long enough" he groaned in response. "Yeah you! Let's go I haven't got all day to embarrass myself" he groans more in response. "Don't backsass me, not all of us are killers with time restraints" Victoria starts arguing with him. He starts mocking her, that really makes Victoria mad. An argument breaks between the two and Kate sighs shaking her head.

Other Max opens the door to dorms seeing the display take place. 'Oh my gosh what are they doing now?' She can't take the scene anymore then goes over to them. "Jason this world is terrible and full of hipsters, I'm sure you want to go to your world" she says to the resurrected killer. He nods then points to Victoria then makes a 'she's crazy' gesture. Other Max nods in response then mouths 'she makes me wanna gag and barf'.

Other Max and Jason push past Victoria to Kate's room where she is waiting with the reverse spell. "Kate! He says he wanted to go back, do your magic spell skills" other Max says. She whispers something into Jason's umm ear? Then heads out to cause havoc. Kate sits down Jason and does the reverse spell, he waves as he vanishes into the magic pot. The page 666 disappears.

"I wonder how she did that" Victoria says walking into the room.

"I don't know Tori...I don't know" Kate declares closing the door.

Let this be a lesson to not summon icons from horror movies or anything else.
Happy Friday the 13th everybody! Mwah hahahaha!

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